"Playing Pokemon on 9/11 decreases your encounter rate" probably shouldn't be my main takeaway from this video.
The reason the 4d pokemon movie is such lost media is the few people who actually saw it was immediately isekai’d to the pokemon world right after watching it
Since Reshiram and Zekrom's themes are slightly different from one another, I decided to check if Kyurem had anything specific to their theme, and there's in fact no sound effect for it, making Kyurem's theme the "original" theme, I think that's pretty cool!
I hate to be that guy but I'm going to be that guy and point out that Dewgong is named after a dugong. Which is a manatee. So it goes from a seal called Seel to a dugong called Dewgong.
For the Diglett fact: there's also a unique interaction in the weight comparison feature (in I believe ORAS) in the Pokédex - while other Pokémon get lifted up for weighing purposes, Diglett just stays on the floor
My favorite part about these random fact videos is when it digs up a memory i forgot i had. I.E when my friends and i had the differing versions of Gen 5. I remember saying “i think its so cool how the fight theme has electricity for the legendaries” and my friend said “theres fire for them what do you mean” only to play them side by side and discover the difference
You know what fact is the best? That there isnt even an intro and the video JUST STARTS. I can't tell you how goddamn much I appreciate that. All i can do is like, comment, cant sub again and give you 100% watchtime
I think the Diglett situation continues to give GF issues in the 3D era. I really like that they approached it in a very GF way coming into Scarlet and Violet and said "well if we can't get rid of this problem let's double down on it instead", introducing even more mons that live submerged underground, namely Wiglett and Orthworm
1:06:33 Just in case anyone doesn't know, a dugong is also the name of an animal.
The reason Light of Ruin wasn’t added in, is because it’s the signature move of the unused event AZ Floette.
Fun fact, in Pokemon Go Tornadus isn't actually the only Pokémon that uses the Flying type. Noibat now has it too. @BlueBoyPhin
Fun fact. Illegal Pokemon caught in the HGSS wifi battle tower can bypass the hack filter on Pokebank/Poketransporter and so on. It is specifically Lv100 mons with a base stat of 130. Instead of the stat ending in 394, it is 396 instead.
33:00 "Ho-oh being the classic mystical flying creature." Moltres: Do I mean nothing to you?
The Waterfall fact brings me back to reading the players guides for Gens 1 and 2 as a kid so much when they came out that I found out about it on my own and then trained up a Seaking in Blue to see if I could later transfer it to Crystal once it eventually came out and wouldn't need to delete my Gold just to get the HM early once unlocking the ability to trade with Gen 1 just to be a rebel. Now mind you I don't remember actually trading it or if the trade ended up happening at all, but I very distinctly remember the training of the Seaking.
An hour in and I realize this is just a mushed together compilation of older videos. lmao.
I put so many hours in Pokepark, Porygon Z’s cry was always my favorite, I didn’t realize it was more obscure knowledge!
1:12:31 Caterpie evolves at level 7. I suspect this animation was going to be some sort of tell for when a pokemon was set to evolve, at least those that can evolve through simple leveling. I would bet this animation plays for every one of those pokemon at their appropriate levels.
1:12:40 not sure if anyone has mentioned yet, but the special animation in Caterpie’s box when it reaches lv 7 is probably because that’s the level it evolves at 😊
Bit of an interesting one i found out while trying to Time reset scum to get a Fire stone in Crystal, you cannot swap the Daylight savings time on and off around midnight, because if you did it would change the days aswell. Your Mother will instead say "i Lost the instruction booklet for the Pokégear. Please come back Later".