6 hours must be the longest evolution of the Final Bosses, holy sheesh! Congratulations on reaching 500k subscribers!
Fabulous video, Mixeli! I’ll never get tired of the 1st gen “Thunder” animation and sound. It’s just beautiful, very beautiful.
At 6:26, look and that gorgeous Arcanine sprite from Yellow. Absolutely beautiful. It always remembers me Blaine’s gym battle in Yellow: his level 54 Arcanine with “Take Down” and the mighty “Fire Blast”.
I remember the days when I'd see pictures of the prof oak fight and he'd have like 20 pokemon
I honestly don't think the Scarlet and Violet professors count as secret boss fight as it's part of the main story and the game kinda forces you to play the last story
Professor oak ain’t screwing around he leads with a damn Tauros right off the bat! G1 Tauros was absolutely terrifying.
fighting Red when he doesn't say a word is the definition of "on sight".
2:23:57 i was just looking around the houses and didn't expect cynthia to be there. I lost to her and never went back in that house
I remember the first time I fought when I was a kid. The moment I saw the lvl 80 Pikachu I knew I was cooked.... 😂
Professor Oak’s theme was so badass
This must have taken you a really long time to complete. Thank you for this. I hope you continue making great content
I can't wait to see what happens next year for the new Pokémon Z-A game
I know the music for the prof oak fight is fan made but it's so well done
Red in HGSS has a level 88 Pika. The only trainer with a mon to match that level is Cynthia in BDSP. Notice how GF seems very careful not to level npc trainer Pokemon past level 87 in every game thereafter, almost seemingly deliberately so. It's almost as if they know who, canonically, is supposed to be the strongest battler.
500K subscribers is quiet a milestone (although now you over 700K at the moment). Congrats!
I love the silence the moment the gsc protagonist talks to red. It eeriely signifies to the player "This shouldn't be possible" "Why is he here?" "If he's here..." "....who am I?" He is here because your goals are of one and the same, after all He was you
Blue its cool, Red its legendary, Cynthia has some tight bars but Volo, damn that's the real definition of a fucking Deathmatch
A lvl 68 arcanine having to use ember is peak gen 1
Several of the bosses here are either unused in the final games or aren't even secret at all, like Professor Oak, Wally and Barry, for example...