
Sitting in the Denver airport waiting for my next flight.  Zack’s videos make the time go by much better.


Enjoying the channel. I can always count on a fresh review to keep me entertained at work while I wait for things to break. The recent shows you've done with Collector Car Feed have been awesome too. Hope you guys continue to get together or maybe even do a review as a group one day.


Hey Zach, love the channel. It’s fun seeing the older mundane cars get reviewed along with the newer nicer stuff unlike a lot of other channels. If you ever come out to California I’ve got an 07 Ram 1500 with the hemi. The facelift got quite a few changes so it could be worth looking at.


Zach, not sure if anybody has mentioned it, but I do like your new intro with the old Microsoft pop-up boxes


I guess their is new criteria for the BFB, should have my big friggin box/cooler to measure the trunk.


peeped the AYG podcast on the screen 👊🏼


I just bought the q7. It has a roomier 2nd row than the x5 and is cheaper in my market by about 5k. and tows more and while the third row is cramped it suits my purpose of hauling my kids friends around. It’s super quiet inside and drive extremely well. I don’t like Mercedes but the 450 gle is probably an alternative and if you don’t need to tow than the Mazda cx90 and Volvo xc90 might be ok. I will say Audi drives better and is quieter than the latter 2


Why did it shut off by itself?  Some sort of anti-idle thing?


It’s the only midsize 3 row from Germany that’s actually good and have the best system but my fear is that if the new gen comes out I hope they don’t ruin the legendary looks and style of the car


Is there a DIESEL version available?


The Q7 is showing its age but I'd take this over whatever BMW and MB are making now, and I've never been an Audi fan. Of course, I'd go Japanese or Korean or even American before anything European but that's just me. Audi's styling ages well and they've kept it subtle.


Cool car kook really cool 😊


They couldn’t hide the rear wiper, or black out the headliner? Both things I would expect from a $90,000 vehicle, but to each their own.


I really have to say, I haven't paid much attention to Audi in the last 10 years since the initial hype of the 4.0TT v8 came out, outside of the navigation feature with traffic lights and optimal speed to not hit a red light, I just do not get the appeal of these anymore, BMW, MB, Lexus are much more desirable. Infiniti and Jaguar are probably the only other luxury brands less desirable because none of them have done anything to really bring people in.


The way the second row folds seems unintuitive.


The drivetrains on these cars really have some issues.. tech (mmi) is dated, price is astronomical, horsepower ratings are meh. Get the X5 for less