This was common in Japan and the 80s and 90s. Men, after work, instead of going home to their wives/family...they would just go live on the streets and never return to work. Homeless by choice.
society has no idea how men retreating physically or spiritually is the sign of a failing society. it's only a matter of time before the collapse of that society.
No one discusses the inherent problem with society's degradation of men and the elevation of women to positions of power.. Men understand and are willing to self-sacrifice for society and our families, women are just the opposite and will always look out for themselves. This unholy imbalance cannot be sustained and will be our undoing.
I read the book. Not impressed with him stealing to survive. Impressive that he survived with no medical for 27 years.
So... Dude was a looter.
As an introverted man, I've achieved this kind of solitude even amongst society.
I sold everything and lived as a hermit for the last 7 years
In Iceland a year or so ago, all the vv0men went on strike for 24 hours. No-one noticed except the HR Depts had fewer complaints and the workplace functioned more smoothly In Australia about two years ago, the train system stopped working in one of our major cities (blamed on "hackers"... should have been blamed on shoddy maintenance) and the males - who mostly travel by train to work - arrived very late for work. The city nearly stopped entirely.
Contributing to society by working could be great if there weren't so many narcissists, sociopaths trying to constantly undermine your simple desire to have a chance at happiness
I thought I was alone in the idea of abandoning modern life and wandering off into the woods.
I have already headed out into the woods.....mentally.
I'm an over the road trucker. I only deal with people every couple of days or so and then it's just through a window. Here's your paperwork, and then i'm gone
There was short story on the 1980s about a man whose car broke down, his wife abandoned him, nobody stopped to help, his boss was abusive, no phone, and he took off into the desert. It was an unthinkable concept back then.
I was dropping out of society for the last 5 or so years I was still working. I downsized and sold my house, moved and didn't tell anyone where. I cut ties with the toxic people and walked away. I have since retired to quiet solitude. I still get out and talk to others but not much. The big kick in the azz for me was feminism went way overboard with the 2006 invention of metoo. That was the writing on the wall collectively spelling very bad news for males. About 2 or so years after metoo I quit dating all together. Saw a couple guys I worked with get screwed bad by the system. They lost nearly everything. Another guy I don't know broke up from a 3 year live together relationship and is now stuck paying child support on a kid that's not even his and has zero visitation rights, but the blood father has weekend visitation and does not pay child support. Relationships are far too risky especially when girls all think they are 9's & 10's when in reality they're lucky to be 5's and when the makeup comes off she's a 3 or 4 at best. It's become a very sick world and feminism and metoo are in large part to blame.
"Nothing is over! Nothing! You just don’t turn it off! It wasn’t my war!” - Rambo
Society tries to fool you into thinking you need glitter when all you need can be found by creating your own farm.
Thoughts like this, are me secret pleasure. Sadly, there's no real wilderness left where I live. The rangers will kick you out after a week maximum and buying rural is impossible.
Im suddenly reminded of the older guy who headed off into Alaska (I believe after his wife passed) and built a log cabin and just lived off the land.
He was called the "Maine Hermit," and he didn't just run out of gas. He intentionally drove as far as he could into the wilderness and then just left his car and kept walking. I think about running into the woods like him all the time. The best part is, I wouldn't last a fraction as long as he did.