
Sorry this is late, I really wanted to make sure this was as thorough as possible.  I assure you that after watching this, you'll have a much better understanding of how this encounter works & how to beat it.  If you feel it helped you better understand, consider liking the vid - as this was an ordeal to put together and it really does help a lot 👍
Also, here's the website I mentioned if you still want additional help when learning to Dissect: https://salvations-edge-verity.netlify.app/index.html


"I've sent you my triangle. Please respond."


Bungie out here making raiders decipher Plato's allegory of the cave in real time while shooting hive.


this is IMMENSELY easier to understand than other guides I've watched and been shown


This encounter will take a while to learn. Be patient with people. But it will click eventually and becomes a very satisfying encounter. Our team got it down in about an hour.


One thing that NEEDS to be VERY explicit: the "Inside/Solo" team does each 2D shape ONE AT A TIME. Once you have your shapes, send one at a time to each member, and do NOT get both shapes at the same time, or you'll need to reset.

The solo players ONLY need to pick up both shapes at the same time when making the key.

Good video Fallout! ❤


I made a joke to my friends that this explanation, for one encounter, was 20 minutes. (This is where we got stuck). But in all seriousness, you broke it down Barney style. The key/lock metaphor made everything sync up for me. Thanks for the great video.


I’m not doing the raid until this man drops the raid guide


"What a great and thorough guide, I'm sure my highly intelligent clanmates will watch, understand and follow through on it when we play together" < clueless


Edit: so the real mechanic is to get both symbols you dont current have sent to you. Then the shaddows from the other 2 guardians you see in your room get removed. And then you can (in theory) create any key you want which does not contain your symbol. But obviously it needs to work for all 3 

Thats why if you are C:  SS TT ST all work for you to leave the room (and this makes the challenge possible)

Old comment: 

If the solo players would do it perfectly they don’t get ported as ghosts and the glass door doesn’t shatter 

So somehow you need to swap away your first 2 symbols which the proposed tactic in the video does 

But it’s so stupid that a perfect play results in a softlock because the door doesn’t open


I've watched 3 seprate guides before this and I got so confused , this explained it perfectly and clicked in my head. Thx a lot


This guy just has a way of fully explaining everything and covering everything we need in way that is very easy to understand, been raiding more frequently after warching his deep stone crypt guide way back then. Fallout really said just grab all your friends who are also too SCUUURD to do the raid and just get it done. I've been doing raids from watching his guides ever since. 😂


It's actually crazy how well you explained this. Like a Destiny version of the Organic Chemistry Tutor. Never even played this raid but I feel like I could explain this encounter to a group of strangers now LMFAO


the explanation reminds me of the meme-scene in It’s always sunny in Philadelphia where the character is standing in front of the wall with the pictures, notes and red strings 😂😂


I tried to attempt this raid yesterday, got stuck in this encounter because it felt like my brain was melting for being in the rain for 8 hours while also two other players was new to the raid I'm trying to watch this video multiple times and study it so I can get a really good at this encounter. This is the best video I found online to help understand it. Thanks a lot Fallout I will keep trying to figure it out


Alright I just listened to 3 attempts, all really nice excited people who very clearly understand the mechanics so well that they can't quite bridge the gap to someone who does not. This was absolutely EXCELLENTLY explained - thank you!!


Okay, this is superb, I haven't set foot in the encounter yet but I feel like I completely understand it.


I've done every raid multiple times over the years and was not going to try this raid as it looks too confusing, but your guide is amazingly easy to understand.
Thankyou Fallout, you're a legend..


Never have I ever felt better to stand out in terms of Hunter fashion than now.


This is hands down the best guide ever. I had people explain to me horribly and get mad and kick me from the Raid because they were bad at explaining. You deserve a metal sir.