
A beautiful tribute to the greatest TV show of all-time.


As a long time fan of everything Pete & Pete, as a 38 year old who still watches re-runs of the greatest show ever made, I can't express how happy it makes me to see you guys back in Wellsville!


This song has wonderful 90s melodic pop sensibility- and all of that with a 1970s Ford station wagon! What a dream car taking you for a dreamy trip to memories you long for. Opening the garage doors reminded me of when my brother and his friends could change the neighbors TV channels - back in the day when there was only one universal remote. This song resonates to the nostalgia of childhood and simpler times.


Time to pull out my Pete & Pete DVDs - this song tugs at my heart.  So glad I found it.


As a fan of Pete & Pete, seeing every reference to many beloved episodes just warmed my heart. People talk about underappreciated kids' media a lot nowadays, but Pete & Pete never gets brought up. It's the ultimate (almost) forgotten kids' show that deserves better. But hey! Here's a band making a music video tribute to it, so it's nice to see that some people still walk the streets of this ever-strange neighborhood in Wellsville.


My nostalgia is full and the tunes are good


Bass is always so pure and timeless. Alex Bleeker doesn't miss!


Seasonal Depression is kicking my ass and work had me stressed the hell out...and this just reset me and calmed me down. Love this band, really feeling this track, and can't wait to see them live next year!


This song is perfect to me, as it plays on a local radio station that constantly loses reception while I am at work. Everytime this song plays, I look foward to hearing it, until half of it cuts in an out. Fortunately found it, and the lyrics seem fitting. cheers.


Because of this song it reminded me to watch Pete and Pete with my 10 year old twins and we loved both - thank you!!


Most if not all the pete and pete refrences , from what i can remember from the show 
0:01  King of the road
0:07  Hard day's Pete
0:16  woman in front wearing "little Pete-like" hat
0:26  the opening titles of each episode 
0:37  New years Pete
0:42  Apocalypse Pete
1:22  Yellow fever 
1:44  Road warrior 
1:52  Route 34
1:53  Road warrior 
2:15  the opening song 
2:34  Field of Pete 
2:37  the opening song
2:53  Apocalypse Pete & When Petes collide
3:03  King of the road
3:12  King of the road


I think you just made me a fan of Real Estate. Thank you Pete and Pete for being the guardian angels of Wellsville.


The Spectrum on SiriusXM brought me here. šŸ˜Š I'm getting "Somebody's Crying" (Chris Isaac) and "Allison Road" (Gin Blossoms) vibes from this track. PS. I'm digging that Ford Country Squire.


OMG OH MY GOOOOOOOOOD. I found the existence of this song thru Wikipedia. I'm from Buenos Aires, Argentina. I'm 32 and I'm so glad to watch this video and the song was the pete and pete spirit. Woow. Guys, you have a new fan.


What a sweet little song


We yearn for the past, we seek absolution and the sweet caress of the familiarā€¦nostalgia.


What a catchy tune!


Okay ,catchy as hell.A song that could make a snail perk up.


I watched this crying. Holy shit. This was a beautiful homage to something truly beloved.


A lovely tribute to a wonderful show.