
That makes sense- tape measures don't strike me as a super-precise tool for those kind of things


I've used a small speed square too. Worked pretty well.


That little combination square is awesome. I didn't know they made them small like that. Off to spend money. Lol.


Awesome channel that doesn’t get the attention it deserves, keep making em and I’ll keep liking them!


To me it looks like the tape measure would have done a perfectly fine job, when you measured it wasn't perfectly at 3/4, in fact it looked like the exact amount over 3/4 that was adjusted after you used the square. Both tape and square seemed to measure a 32nd off of 3/4


Makes alot of sense to use the combination square !πŸ‘πŸ»


The blade moves 1/16” intentionally to compensate for the width of the blade, you have that square set a little too far past the line about a 16th that was a lot of gap


Tips are always on point.


Wish I work with you guys πŸŽ‰ learning from the best in the industry


Aye good shit I have that router typically just make little wood signs so depth hasn’t been an issue yet needing it super specific but thank you I’ll remember this


I too am not using most of my tape measure.


That is fancy.


Right on 😊


Great tip ! Thanks


Machinist could probably cheaply make you a few right angles that are pretty flat and accurate


Irrelevant since depth setting on that trimmer is too loose 😒


Thank you I like it


That's what I use.


What about a vernier caliper?


But what numbers are required to unlock and lock the combination square ??  Right to what number then left to what number and right to what number ??  Isn't that how you unlock and lock it ??  By the way , common knowledge isn't very common !!  Kinda like common sense doesn't exist anymore !!!   πŸ˜πŸ˜ŽπŸ˜‡