Cover me, I have to reload! The reload:
The bullet: I'm tired sir
remember, recycling your rounds is faster than reloading
Remember guys, switching to your secondary is always faster than recycling.
"All I need is one bullet" The one bullet..
damn that loop was so seamless i didn't even notice it
That is literally one of the best transitions on YouTube shorts I have ever seen.
“Relax your reload won’t take long.” The reload:
Those reload animations are getting more realistic
Legend says he's still shooting with that one bullet.
When i hear M1 Garand Ping : "Ah"
Soldier: reloading! Commander: the war is over soldier.
This really makes muskets from the 1700s faster to reload in comparison
"Sarge, I need more ammo!" "Sure, let me scavenge for casings and recycle them"
“Why don’t you just reload the magazine?” “Moar pings”
He protec cow He protec gun He protec earth
He is so badass that instead of reloading the gun, he reloads the ammo
Buy new ammo❌ Create new ammo✔️
Teatcher:we have a recycling project😃 The quiet kid: Edit:HOLY MOLY HOW DID I GET SO MANY LIKES?!?!