Stuck out in Bend, Or. While everyone get to play jelly. But, on the real thanks for being a content creator my guy. People like you help us noobs keep up to date on our favorite games....keep it up ❤❤❤❤❤
Thank you for streaming this!
The only issues i see, the maphitos manipulative character. It is an extremely difficult trait to write and even more difficult to recognize. Such a character will always stay well behind the shadows and manipulate. I did enjoy the way he traded goals and took the Opportunity to manipulate his way to reach akarot
I loved everything about the campaign.......except the last mission and how it ended like brooooooo.
Why would they change the character select? That's such an irrelevant issue.
Only thing I don't like is the campaign storyline it doesn't feel like feels.....tame and not Gothic or hellish.....I dunno just even from where we left off..... let alone OG. But the polish and sound and ray trace is very cool.
Watching Rhykker play thru the story: great. Watching the balding grown adults in the comments crying about a video game: priceless 🤣
We finishing this?
Is there a part 2?
Thanks for the forecast! I need some advice: My OKX wallet holds some USDT, and I have the seed phrase. (alarm fetch churn bridge exercise tape speak race clerk couch crater letter). How can I transfer them to Binance?
wanted to watch this video but 3 advert breaks in 7 mins i couldn’t do it
It wont let me start the campaign. It says its blocked and i need to change my state
Wtf i pre purchased the most expensive one months ago. Everythings done updating i even went into system to make sure and it wont let me choose the new class
Why does it say blocked not all party at same step change state?
Boring same game loop 😂😂
Dude, you look tired
That subscription music is so annoying
Story gameplay: plays literally antyhing else.
They did it well. Unlike immortal lol