
I am 81yrs now.  Very tired of the pain, anxiety and negative I'm surrounded by. I will be returning Home soon and cant wait. My sweet dog, Izzy, is waiting for me, I'm very excited to see her. To all of you listening to this music from our angels, please care for yourself. Listen to what you need, I did not. I was a nurse for 54 yrs and wore my spirit and body down, not thinking of what I needed. So, listen to your soul, follow your guides. God bless.♥


Great music! For everyone reading this comment, no matter who you are and where you are, I wish you success in every aspect of your life! Bless you!


To those scrolling please stop, you have a day ahead of you so close your eyes and go to sleep. You will be ok, you haven’t come this far just to give up, I believe in you. ❤❤❤


Omg thanks my sister and my bff are a sleep and I'm relaxed and tired so thanks best music ever


Na něm to rozhodně fakt fungovalo poslouvhala jsem 4 minuty a pak jsem to vypla a spala jsem fakt tvrdě😊
Děkuji za toto video😇!


This music is magic, love, caring, and sleep. So if yall are reading this comment, don't scroll down, yall got a big day ahead of you so go to sleep. I believe in yall. I hope yall have a great day tomorrow and have a good sleep. Good Night.


This is the most magical music for relaxation and stress. Who agrees with me? If yes, like!


I feel so touched by all the comments.it's like people from all over the world come together for hugs and share love and compassion


I hope all the people listening to this will have a peaceful sleep and wake up with lots of positive energy. 💓


Letting u know amazing sleeping things. I only listen to this if im sleeping but i love this one the most. Even if they are all the same i love this one the most because of its background. Reward to this one because of how pretty. And is just so shimmery and beautiful! Congrats to the person reading this, you keep the great work up and i wish you good luck! Thank you for intertaning videos for me or others for this relaxing calming videos!
I always get ready to go to sleep from these amazing videos. No matter what or who you believe it always make your dreams come true. Always remember how important you are to God and Jeasus. Live your best life you ever wanted.


Душа как-будто омывается живой водой и сквозь слезы пробуждается всё светлое и чистое, что есть в душе.... Люди, какие же вы прекрасные.... Мира, душевного покоя и Божьей помощи вам на всё времена


If you are reading this, it doesn't matter where you are right now or what you're struggling with 😊 , you will be ok. You are strong, bright, and worthy. I hope you have a wonderful night and happy peaceful life in which all your dreams come true.  🥰🥰🥰


So peaceful and relaxing music. Just perfect. It's like the fresh air for my soul. Wish all of you peoples here to think about only good things in Life, push the bad things out of your mind and live a life with a smile on your face and fresh minds. Its hard to do sometimes but its what we need to learn in this Life, to be happy.


Hey you.. who see this: You’re beautiful, and never give up your dreams, you are in this world for a reason!❤️


To the person who's reading this. You are beautiful and pls don't ever lose yourself because of anyone's word. Remember you are God's most precious child and someone out there loves you. Be strong, take courage and breath. Life is tough but God is good. God's love you my sister and brother. ♥️


Хорошая музыка добрая дочка засыпает под нее очень быстро спасибо за мелодию а главное картинка приятная смотришь и понимаешь что маленькие ангелочки летают возле камушка спасибо еще раз 👍👍


Belle découverte que cette magnifique musique  ,  vraiment inspirante  et apaisante également


Спасибо за такую раслабляющую музыку, она просто прекрасна.


Bardzo piękna muzyka, ten obrazek też jest piękny, można sobie wyobrazić że wokół latają małe aniołki. Dziękuje za muzyke. Pozdrawiam☆


Danke für diese schöne Musik . Es hilft meiner Seele zu heilen.