I love how it went from you laugh you lose to Jackmanifold doing single handedly the best impressions of characters ever.
I love how right before Jack does an impression you can see him stop and think of the best way to absolutely throw everyone off
Jack's Irish accent is actually so good, it's not the stereotypical accent its accurate
4:11 "HELLO MY BEAUTIFUL KITTENS" had me crying in many ways
jack's ability to make funny people laugh is amazing
I fully understand now why jack called himself the funniest person in the room in the lie detector videos(second one) his bits are so hularious
Jack and Harry easily are the funniest in this video. Jack’s comedic timing and Harry’s lack of self respect work really well!
I desperately hope that whoever films and edits Tommy's videos are getting properly compensated for sitting through this, because *wow*.
I actually had tears in my eyes when Tommy was failing to change into spiderman, i havent laughed like that in so long
Jacks performance at the end was legendary 10/10 😂
Jack is actually hilarious and Im so here for his impressions
15:51 "WHERE IS MY BINKY."👹🥸
@ 5:22 Tommy saying “ okay sorry …” Got me dying lol
Why is Jack doing "Quackity" at the end actually a really accurate Australian accent. If he spoke to me like that I would think hes just any other middle aged Australian man.
Tommy is the kind of guy to see an America and ask "Is anyone gonna colonise that?" and not wait for an answer.
The most surprising part of this video is that Tommy actually has chest hair
2:17 why is the "Yay" So cute😭
13:23 how’d it go from “🤙😘😉😏” jack, to “IM SCOTTISH” so fast😭