Thrill: Releases a Friday version of "Tuesday Newsday" on a Saturday.
Ah yes, the Tuesday-Newsday-on-a-Friday-but-its-actually-Saturday news recap
When you hear mainstream media report about something you know a lot about, you begin to question the validity of anything they say.
At this point Tuesday Newsday should just be anytime there is a significant amount of coverage. If it's actually on a Tuesday then that just means good luck or something lol. Also the fact it never is actually on Tuesday just shows character so I love it.
Yeah that whole depth can see through clothes thing is something we found when we were working with the kinect before VR headsets were a thing. The actual big problem is that female clothes (particularly dresses) are far more likely to be IR transparent than male clothes (you can extrapolate what chaos that would cause).
The QUALITY of your videos, it's always mind blowing. Huge appreciation from visual storytelling, script flow, to just nice shots in general.
Big Meta doesn't want you to know this but ThrillSeeker was actually in Japan because he is secretly the femboy protagonist of Vrmmo De Summoner Hajimemashita , Don't let Big Meta catch me saying this hard fact
Hey Thrill, thanks for showing our quest pro launch trailer footage! We've been following you for a while, so it was surreal and so cool to see our footage here! Happy to show you how top labs & classrooms use Nanome for chemistry research and learning!
It amazes me how people can hate a device they've never tried so much. Even VR content creators have been hopping on the anti-Meta bandwagon. Thanks for taking an objective, down-to-earth approach on this whole thing. We need more of that in today's journalism.
The scientific fact that IR sensors can penetrate clothing does not excuse removing or making taboo such sensors. The depth camera should have stayed and simply not been directly exposed to developers as a direct camera feed. That makes me 100% suspicious that it was removed either due to lackluster performance they didn't want to divulge publicly or because it was too expensive to implement (not the sensor per se, but perhaps the manufacturing steps added to install it).
Let's get some things clear. If Apple came out with this, everyone would be on their knees begging for it and paying $3k.
I cannot tell you how much I want that Atari headset to be real. I don’t care about it specs or anything. It just looks amazing. Atari should take some hints from this artist.
My biggest problem with VR now is that it's being sold like a "console" rather than a PC or "equipment" like I dont want to buy something for 1,500$ just for there to be a new model 1-2 years down the line. I feel as though VR and AR can make further strides if they were sold as a piece of hardware + software that was going to be worked and iterated on for 3-5 years, then we can get a bigger generational lead in hard ware to keep up with the evolving software. the more VR products and accessories I see it all just feels bitter sweet. like I'm constantly either playing catch up or I'm constantly buying into "first gen tech" ( if you've seen MKBHD's review of the google pixel watch that is 100% how I feel)
man like 100% you have improved so much on your videos (don't take that as your old vids are bad they are NOT) your videos are so professional and informative yet interesting enough to keep full attention. the flow, the meme break, the presentation of everything. just keep it up my dude keep it up!
The IR camera seeing through clothes thing isn't new. It's why every consumer video camera since the 90's has had an IR filter. The solution is to not show footage from the IR camera. The cameras for the CV1 would be able to, also.
Holy shit they can sell actual Xray glasses like in those cartoons. This is freaking amazing actually. Wow. That's actually completely amazing.
I find it funny that they still have not added the legs considering vr chat avatars all ready have legs that can work with or without full body tracking. ( They still need improvement)
Always good when a Tuesday Newsday comes out, keep it up man.
But on that peeping tom sensor... Does this mean those scam X-Ray goggles they used to sell in magazines could actually be made?!