To explain to everyone just how amazing of a summon Taylew the Golem Smith truly is, watch the final battle of Distortion2's Shadow of the Erdtree Summons Only Run. To those too busy to do so: He can solo the Final Boss without any damage assistance from the Player. All the Player needs to do is heal him from time to time, and he takes Radahn down on his own. He's so tanky that he straight up just eats Radahn's new meteor attack like it was a snack. The only attack Radahn has that can deal any amount of notable damage to Taylew is the Gravity attack where he throws boulders, since I'm guessing Taylew has a weakness to it. Also, unlike Jolán and Anna, Taylew can't get his Heart Stolen by Miquella. After all, he has no time to Simp when there's smithing to be done.
Florissax is so good… She buffs me, debuffs our enemies, and calls me her ‘Noble Lord’! 🥵 Edit: I am quite sad we couldn’t get a Divine Beast warrior to complement Ornis. The horned warrior is nice, but I really wanted one of their bigger, meaner brothers.
I second that surprise about Andreas - I couldn't believe how little attacking he was actually able to do. You'd expect more poise from a Black Knight Commander.
Taylew actually doesn't have much health. It just has insane defenses. Fire Knight Q actually has a good use in letting him loose to watch an enemy's moveset before you engage it I might take the Finger Creeper to the Haligtree and see how long it lasts against the revenants.
I appreciate you not using an obnoxious thumbnail for your videos. When I'm looking through YouTube videos on things like this, I'm looking more at views not over the top thumbnails.
I haven’t watched this video yet, I just want to say I really like using the spider scorpion ashes because when you summon it it will just show up literally wherever it feels like. You will summon him and then find out he is posted up a whole km away just staring at the corner, it’s really funny.
Very different way of doing a tier list I really like it
I like this format of top 5. Nicely done 😁
Red eye summons are great for aggressive bosses, when the mimic tear wants to stand there forever buffing itself. Red eyes jump right in and take aggro.
The Golem smith Taylew is awesome! He can solo the last boss in dlc, just need some heals. The best summon after mimic for sure!
Had no idea this voice was behind doms round table! Such a great site. I started on your “things you probably missed” vids for DS3. Thank you brother!
There are videos out there on the golem soloing the final boss
What a good vid! Well-paced, thought-out, and zero filler. Bravo!
This is really worthwhile! I was so disappointed by the Black Knight pair that I just figured the DLC ashes weren't worth much time (and didn't figure out what to do with Jolan until after I handled the final boss). This list turned my opinions right around.
Damn bro, you sure have a plethora of info. Super detailed. Thanks man!
My boy Andreas' job is to get the boss attention, and he is damn good at that job.
Jolan/Anna and Mimic are the only Spirit Ashes I use in Boss fights... Since the latest Patch has Buffed ALL Spirit Ashes, I use more of them in other situations.
Seriously, thank you so much for all the help you provide. You are a literal game changer.
I did try out Fire Knight Hilde and thought she was a pretty solid Spirit Ash. She's pretty aggressive and does have a lot of fire attacks so she can be very good against most of the base game, especially enemies weak to fire.