I like how his tip for butterflies is more difficult than just catching them
For Saadia it's a bug. She's considered a Whiterun citizen so when she despawn she's considered dead and automatically get an urn in the hall of the dead
Another note on the veggie soup, is the health/stam regen stacks... So if you scoff down 5 veggie soups.. you regain 5 health/stam per second. The only downside is carrying a ton of soup takes up a fair bit of carry weight.. lol =P
I don't understand how swinging at a butterfly is easier than just spamming the interact button
4:57 A few days ago I was going to Riften to sell some gear as usual, I accidentally picked up a beggar's bucket which I immediately dropped and tried to place neatly back where it was. Next thing I know, which I didn't even know this could happen, Mjoll and Bersi are fighting over the bucket. I died laughing at the ridiculousness of Bersi picking a fight with Mjoll, but especially the fact that it was over a stolen bucket. Bersi's body eventually despawned and now his wife Drifa is running the Pawned Prawn.
Using the necromage perk and Bloodworm Helm in anniversary together, as a vampire, you can produce self-focused cloak-type spells so strong that a flame cloak will empty a dungeon before you can usually see the enemies.
And then there's the Elsweyr Fondue. If you're a caster, that stuff is just *chef's kiss*.
As a veteran of Skyrim since the beginning, I have to openly admit I never knew about the Fortify Destruction since I have ALWAYS been a melee, archer, stealth dagger type of character that used magic more of healing, light, find the path type small minded uses.... But THAT sounds freakingly awesome that I have to try it out immediately :) Thanks :)
You can also use offensive shouts such as Unrelenting Force and Fire Breath to kill multiple bugs/fish at a time; much easier than trying to slice each one with your sword.
With the sneaky approach instead of doing those 2 things one way I found out 8 years ago is that sheathing or unsheathing your weapon will cause your character to move like normal
I did a new playthrough when I learned fortify alteration potions increase the duration of the slow time shout, running around taking everyone out like Neo, so much fun
You have to be a decently high level in order for the black market merchant to sell daedric gear. If you unlock the power very early in your playthrough you'll be disappointed at his selection.
Anyone who plays in survival mode knows the power of cooking (especially the ability for hot soups to keep you from freezing to death.) I've played around with the cloak spells but I may have to go back and enchant some armor with the Fortify Destruction enchantment. Then throw in a potion as well ...
Another option when sneaking is to be in 3rd person, draw a one handed weapon or bow while sneaking and moving forward and you'll move at normal speed. no perks needed. although I could be severely wrong as I haven't touched vanilla in a long while.
Blue butterfly + blue flower = 100% negate magic regen poison. Always (alchemy level doesn't matter). So wizards would just charge you holding an iron dagger after a few firebolts.
The fondue does the same but for magicka. Moon sugar is required but is illegal in skyrim. The merchant chests in dawnstar, markarth and solitude all have it. Between 3 and 5 I believe.
Saadia's urn is a bug, as a named citizen of Whiterun, she's been given an urn to spawn in the Hall of the Dead when she dies, but when she is removed at the end of the quest, the game interprets this as death, so the urn is incorrectly spawned in
I'm doing a semi-unarmed (still using bow for dragons and one handed in a pinch) khajit run right now and the kill animations are amazing
Skyrim is a great game