
The most underrated artist


You're still my favorite American Idol❤


Jesus the world needs to appreciate your music more


16 years, and 4 kids later. My girl is definitely Magnetic to me! #Blessed


Whoa.  Amazing.  Phillip Phillips is beyond talented.


When I want to get lost from the world, I put on my headphones and lay back with your music up full volume. You and Dave Mathews. The only two that can get me there. Thank you for those moments. They wash all the crazy away.


This song needs more views, it's such a good song


All we need is Phillip Phillips. cus Phillip Phillips is such a genius


This song is magnetic 😎


i used to looove him, specially at the beginning. never really got into his albums specially the second one. actually opened this with no hope of actually liking it but wow. this sounds really good, givees me like old really cool song vibes. its also kind of really sexy, im into this a lot 
you have me back phillip, missed youuu


I've been waiting for this since forever ....I could cry this song is so amazing❤😢


Daaaamn phillip back at it again with the good music


Your every song completes my playlist .. Weather it's gone gone gone  miles or home or raging fire every one...
You are my favorite sir


I have deprived myself from your music for awhile. Welcome back to me!!


Finally a new song that is worth to be on my playlist.


I'm so glad he is back. He is such a good singer. Looking forward to January 19th. I missed you Phillip :)


Missed his voice. Such a pure talent.


AAAAHHH so happy for the new songs ❤❤❤❤❤


You have no idea how long I've been searching this song for.


He's baaaaaacccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D