
This series is gonna be so cool. Hope it gets you to 200k! Good luck Haven


7:27 “I’m playing terribly” he says while making a damn good save


1:56 when you see this much iron in a close area, look for tuff. if you see tuff connecting the different ores, you've found a "huge vein". you should mine out an entire one sometime. they carry literally stacks of iron


idk how you come up with these video ideas but there good though love video


0:19 Am i tripping or did he just break birch?


5:03 I found a 10 diamond vein and with my fortune 3 i got 12 from all of that. Seems fair


I'm excited to see how this turns out!


Havenhand, you forgot unbreaking III, you had respiration and not unbreaking, anyways love your content! ❤️


I'm really looking forward for the next episodes 
Love your Content




Awesome video bro!


Got a noti, pressed it, got entertainment. story of this video LOL great job


Please could you do 100 people in hard-core Minecraft or something similar :)


4:20 You should’ve easily made another lectern and get a bookshelf trade because you need to spend levels adding the books together and 12 times 4 is 48 emerlads plus some levels i dont think thats the easiest way


Him: iron. Iron. Iron. Iron...
Me: copper. Copper. Copper. Copper...


7:44 You had 27 levels I’m suprised that you didn’t say “Oh I’m so close to 30 levels let’s mine quartzs”


Wow good video il wait till next


November already went by here so your behind its litteraly December here.


Great video!


2:00 diamonds don’t spawn much in caves try strip mining it is a lot better