8:11 If you want to hear the Shut up again ðŸ˜
9:57 I believe the reason that you made that clutch was because the boat placed on the grass, so it was a block above the ground and you had slightly more time to make it (I don’t know if anyone else has said this)
u definitely had a lot of fun while doing these with wrist broken😂
Bro you are actually insane your growing like crazy and because of a good reason your legitament and unstated content is so fun and entertaining to watch even when I’m down and you never cut any corners especially in that 100 fight video even if you felt you were going to lose you still pushed through and provided us with a banger video can’t wait for 100k and the look on my face when I saw you go from 10k to 40k in like only a month is crazy, I was disappointed when I heard you were releasing your pack at 70k but now it looks like that might only take a couple weeks the content is crazy good and the pack looks sick don’t ever stop your content oh I forgot to mention ALL OF THIS LOVELY JUBBLY JUICY CONTENT WITH A FREAKING BROKEN WRIST THAT IS ACTUALLY CRAZY.
2:17 WHAT Ä°S THA?!-
Mark my words: qBedwars will get 100k + subs before the end of the year
Dewier didn't do that clutch bec he wanted to look cool, his opponents were really good and he needed to go to their base faster.
Banjee the goat (you too I guess) Also, I'm pretty sure the bump is only there once you get in to the boat, so you don't get the bump when you fail.
THERE WAS A HEROBRINE AT THE END OF THE BOAT CLUTCH!!! I have no idea herobrine was even there when I first saw it Anyway qBedwars I LOVE your videos
Bro there's herobrine in mid of that 2 trees 11:00
Thx for commenting on my video!
Who wants him to recreate insane bedwars clips
10:59 your boat did the wiggly thing
dudeee these clips are SO GOOD! absolutely insane...
1:03 the mlg with the pearl and water is a masterclass
0:00 the voice cracks 😂 btw nice video
11:01 WTF why is Herobrine in your WORLD
At 8:20 the creeper lookung at him was such a chill guy😂