"Many will enter. Few will win" was such an anxiety inducing group of words to hear as a 2000s kid
I remember thinking, as a child, that i would have to avoid Danimals because i didn't want to meet dylan and cole and it seemed too risky.
My siblings made a danimals crush cup video where they were robots who could only eat crush cups because that was the only snack they could fit in their claws and eat. They legitimately placed as finalists and received a very shabby, cheap plastic magenta camcorder!
I won a Nickelodeon sweepstakes, but was informed we couldn’t accept the prize because my mother worked for CBS television as a software engineer, and the contract for her company had some issue to prevent being bribed by other television companies with prizes/sweepstakes or something crazy. As a child, it was devastating. Its almost like winning the lottery jackpot only to find out that it will be taxed at rate of 100%.
I met Cole during the first season of Riverdale. I asked if it was hard to always be eating on camera, since Jughead is notoriously gluttonous, and he joked that years of shilling for Danimals had prepared him for anything.
Contests like these usually have cash equivalents that the winner can opt for instead...I've always figured that the families went with the money and that was easier for all parties involved.
at any given time the chances you'll meet dylan and cole sprouse are low...but never zero
Real talk, when I was in kindergarten (1999-2000ish) my friend won the lunchables backstreet boys concert tickets. Her mom happened to be visiting for lunch that day because we were on a field trip or something and then she was like "oh honey no, this concert is far away, I don't think we'll be able to go because we'll be busy that day" or something like that but I remember her mom just threw away the winning box. So no one won that sweepstakes either 😂😂😂
Ashley!!! Thank you so much for featuring my contest entry!!! Even though I (cardboard box girl) didn’t win, I would still push an apocalyptic meteor right back into outer space JUST for you 💖 If anyone is curious as to my approach, I think I was around 13 years old when I made my entry and if I recall correctly, the contest actually had an explicit prompt. That prompt was "how have Danimals Crush Cups changed your life?" and I remember thinking that was the dumbest fucking question I had ever heard so I answered accordingly. There were also certain qualifying criteria for the video to even be considered; for instance you had to feature the logo at some point on the screen. You also had to be consuming a crush cup in the video but I was too poor and my parents would not buy them despite my offer to pay them back with my $10,000. So if you notice when I actually slurp from the cup, it's just a walmart yogurt cup with red construction paper taped on lmao. The full video is available at https://youtu.be/h3WHPrJjFuI if y'all want to see it. If you do go look, please ignore the weird sermon videos lmao I was being brainwashed into a cult at the time and I wanted to help save the world. Now I can't remember the password to that account so it's a permanent time capsule.
"Don't be fooled folks! This isn't just a picture of a city skyline glued to a cardboard box!" She's wonderful.
Now I’m just imagining Dylan and Cole filming all of these contractually required commercials and them being like “ok wait to be clear… we’re not going ON this cruise, right?” I’m so glad you made this! I was deeply obsessed with Dylan and Cole as a child, even when I looked like a third Sprouse twin with my little blonde bob lmao
No no, the entry of the girl who could lift entire cities was peak, she should have won every sweepstakes. All of them. Give the girl the oscar, the tony, and the grammy
I feel like danimals owed us all a commercial of the winners after the sweepstakes ended....you know...to put us at ease.
Honestly being a 2000s kid it’s an enigma to look back on this type of stuff and how obsessed we actually were with this type of stuff 😂
There was a sweepstakes to promote the release of Kung Fu Panda where 2 1st place winners would get to voice a minor part in the movie, and I WON 1ST PLACE! They sent me a plush Po instead, and I gave it away to a friend who loved pandas. When the movie came out I waited with bated breath to see those little red panda things they advertised, and they were in the movie without any spoken lines iirc. I was so disappointed that the back pedaled so hard and that no one actually won. I’m forever scorned.
I actually won "first prize" in a Kim Possible call the number contest on Disney. I called ONCE and forgot about it. Two months later I got a box with special edition Kimmunicators walkie talkies. I was so confused when I opened the box like "why/how did my mom order these" and the paper inside explained everything! I wish I would have kept it all but being a kid, I just saw toys :(
It's so weird seeing Dylan and Cole meet people and act like full grown adults when they're like 14. Looking back I think "Jesus, these are kids, who let them be this famous??" That goes for all child actors, but I feel like that era of Disney specifically had some seriously young mega stars
I like how our generation has all these nostalgic gems and mysteries to reminiscence on. now that we’re older and all connected through the internet it’s all just great
9:58 Honestly why was this girl actually iconic and could pass as modern internet humor