If the American people have to report every dime and be held accountable to the IRS, the Government should be held to an even higher standard!
I’m not in disbelief they found this. I’m in disbelief it’s actually getting revealed.
So glad someone’s speaking up about the robbery that has been going on. Every American should want this. If you were a share holder in a company would it be ok to have no accountability? I can’t understand those who don’t support accountability with our money.
Thank you for exposing these crooks.
This is the best thing that's happened to America in 249 years Balancing the books, finally.
Never in my lifetime have I witnessed something in government so profoundly encouraging
Government stealing money in plain sight, finally bringing this to light. Prosecute to the fullest extent holding everyone involved accountable.
The craziest part of this is how basic and reasonable it is.
When people are deathly afraid of transparency, the answer is already provided. No legitimate spending is afraid of scrutiny.
Funny how the media is spending more time holding Elon to accountability and not asking about the people who are abusing the system.
How could people dislike these guys. They are giving more information and attention to the people who keep the country afloat
I will turn 70 in April & I've never seen us get this close to federal government house cleaning. Get er done!
I love how Trump allowed Musk to talk without interrupting and not needing to be the big man in the room
People are blown away because they’ve never seen such competence, such access and transparency so immediate with an administration
My un-popular opinion is, I like seeing kids in the big meetings. Dad still has to work but wants to spend time with the kids. I take my children to work a few times a year. It’s fun for them and they get to see what I do. It’s refreshing for me to see it, it may be a little distracting but it’s even more relatable!
I want every govt agency audited
Found billions in just two weeks.... Means nobody was even trying to look
Please continue with the audits in spite of the scrutiny. This is SO long overdue.
This is great. And yes I agree that the people receiving this bogus money be held accountable