
That freaking groundhog knew what was up!


I cracked up at "some drivers may not be good at navigating icy roadways. " .. PLEASE DON'T DRIVE ON ICE .. !! .stay home !
Thanks Max 💚✨️💚


You are more accurate than local news outlets!! Def appreciate you my guy!


Been watching this guy since he was at 20k subscribers. Cool to see him grow best place to go for weather


Thank you Max! Its crazy watching how fast your channel has grown. I joined when you were at less than 250K, and that was what, 6 months ago I think. Great job !!


Trucker here. Love your stuff


Good morning from northern Michigan 👋🙂. Stay prudent folks. The crazies are beginning to show their true colors.


When most people wake up they turn on the news to see the weatherman to see what their day will be like.
The weatherman wakes up on turns on Max.


In New Hamshire we don't consider it a storm unless it is over 12 inches.
Anything less than that is just a nuisance.


I really enjoy listening to Max Velocity.  He is awesome at covering the weather.


40 days until spring... it can't get here fast enough! Have a great weekend, everyone! :_maxInTheZone::_maxGriddy:


Let's get Max to one million!


Huntingdon County Pennsylvania USA 🇺🇸  Thank you Max ounce again we are prepared here in the rural mountains. We have warnings. We are well stocked. Our 2 double fireplaces are ready it be lit 🔥 our oil lanterns are filled. We are well stocked with food. Also our 3 horse's are in there box stalls safe. Because of you im always prepared for winter storms. We have alerts for power outages in our rural mountains thats me.


I love that he covers the whole map! Our local channel only covers mostly our local areas. Max is so knowledgeable!


Bro you're SO CLOSE TO 1 MILLION ❤


❤Good morning ❤ Everyone stay safe.


Hello from Minnesnowta!


Keep up the great work Max we appreciate everything you do for us.  Come on people lets get Max to his 1 million subscriber goal 🎉


Thanks SO SO much, Max.  So nice to get the “big picture” when planning winter travel.  You are a total gem!❤


Ive been subbed and watching for 2 months and this dudes weather statements have been 100% for the Southeastern Ohio Area.  Down to the inches of snow we got.  Each time.  Even with the systems that were "Really hard to tell if it was going to be rain,  snow or ice" HE WAS CORRECT!  The ONLY weather channel i will ever watch.