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My husband was abused physically and had cancer as a child, when i met him he stuttered so bad he could barely state his name. Today he speaks clearly, is cancer free, and a great father to both our children. The victory belongs to Jesus!!


God knows you're weary and worn out.  He knows you don't know what else to do.  Remember, when we are weak, He is Strong.
He Knows.


Paster, I am from India..... You have No idea how God is using you to comfort me. Can you imagine..... God comforts a person on one side of the Globe through some body on the opposite continent of the 🌎. God is amazing. Thank you soooooo much. I have been praying to the Lord saying exactly these words...... saying God I don't know what to do. And today I know my answer. Thank u soooo much brother. May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you and your family and your ministry. I will remember you and your ministry in my prayers. God bless you brother. In fact we are all brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ. We are all one family in Jesus Christ. Thank u sooooo much Abba father for answering my prayers.


A breakthrough arrived as I was listening to this. I'm self employed and really anxious that work was really slow. As i'm cleaning my warehouse alone I'm listening to this sermon God spoke to me and said " Keep organizing and cleaning, do what you do best" literally minutes later a huge new client contacts me about sendIng me work. God Bless y'all!


I received a message about 11 yrs ago. That God would give me my hearts desire to be a mom. It hasn't happened yet but I still thank Him and trust Him with His plans for us. ❤


I was sitting down feeling so down telling Jesus 
“ I don’t know what to do or where to start “ then this shows up 😢


This preacher is really good. He has helped me to let go of occult practices, sexual immorality, and drug addiction.


My enemy is not an enemy.. it is my wife..  I lived a life of sin.. narcissism, deceit, pornography, lying.. she has been affected completely and still tries to fight for our marriage..  I was never a believer, but when God showed me the signs to go to church everything started falling into place.  I have been living faithfully so far and am feeling good about it. But my wife will never believe me.. and I understand.  It's extremely frustrating not being believed when you are trying your hardest to live by God's word everyday.  I keep getting pointed to patience but it's not easy.  It is absolutely correct to immediately pray..  I still lose to evil tendencies and say very hurtful things, but God has given me the strength to realize that immediately amd repent.


7yrs past my husband left for his eternal home.i have   4 children,my life is in depression don't know what to do,but now I'm happy for your powerful message praise the lord.


Recently my husband went into a psychiatric episode. He got out of control and was hallucinating, having delusions and uncontrollable anger outbursts. I thought he was on drugs, but all drug panels were clear. My husband and I moved far away from home. I had to call his best friend to come and get him, he flew him back home and he is now on a behavioral unit. I was going to catch a flight to go see him but the shifter went out on my car before my flight this morning. Not only that situation but my step day is on his deathbed at home. I’m sad. I feel like I should be home and can’t make it while everything is in chaos. So here I am right now. Watch this video because I don’t know what to do 😭😭😭😭 I don’t have community where I’m at. Will you pray for me please 🙏


I was literally just crying out to the Lord. Telling him that I don’t know what to do & this message popped up on my notifications 😭😭😭


I'm from India. I'm not going to church since last 6 months 😪 coz I feel I have failed in everything in life. Listening this msg at 4am coz I'm not able to sleep😢😢😢 God is leading me through you thankyou ❤


Please pray for my daughter as she’s going through severe depression and anxiety and also had made several attempts at suicide.


Amen Lord I'm a husband to my rib, a dad to my children and a owner of a 24hr fast/worship center. And you Lord helped me do it! I declare VICTORY.


Jesus only you can change my situation. Jesus you are my King, I need a miracle today please come and rescue me. As a single mother, raising not one but two children on the spectrum I am overwhelmed and I’m constantly struggling to pay bills. Struggling to buy groceries, struggling to do it all. But  I won’t give up. I have the faith to believe and receive a blessing from you today Lord Jesus. ❤️


Prayers please, I’m thinking of quitting my job without a new job already set in stone. This job doesn’t bring me peace anymore and I’m chasing God and peace passionately this year. I am scared for my finances since my husband and I pay rent but I’m trusting in God that He will bring me answers.


It took 14 years for my husband to show up after he was prophesied to me in 1998. We got married  a year later. God promised us something totally impossible 13 years ago. He also promised us a ministry. A very specific one. Last year a man we didn’t know who was a guest speaker at a men’s conference  was prophesying to men. I said to God “oh please have him give my husband a word. We have been waiting so long and are in limbo. I want you to encourage him. ”. The guy was up front and turned and came towards us in the last row.  I was thinking “ oh God. He is coming over here !”  He walked up saying “I know you were like “oh God he’s coming over here!”  😂 He prophesied to him and to us. Afterwards I told him what I asked God 10 seconds before he turned and came toward us. That was the fastest answer to a request that I ever got. 30 seconds from when I asked to when he got to us and spoke!


I have chronic anxiety and Philippians 4:6 helped me. It is for all anxiety. The solution to anxiety is prayer and thanksgiving. Pray every single time you are anxious and sing worship songs and you will never have a panic attack.


My sister got murdered June 18, around 4:30-5pm .. I’m feeling so much pain please pray for me and my family .