
I love the fact you want a truck with cloth seats and rubber floor.people have completely forgotten what pickup trucks are for.


What a great and honest take on ev's in general. I'm a lightning owner myself. It all depends on your individual use case. There's a lot to love, but it isn't for everyone. Your honesty presentation is exactly why I love your channel.


Riley, Courtney if you guys ever wonder why so many of us enjoy your channel, rewatch this video. Riley‘s explanations and rationalizations for changing up to a gas powered vehicle are very well presented, and quite simply, make sense. Thank you very much guys, looking forward to the next one.


Fellow EV and ICE vehicle owner here. You made the right choice for your situation. In a perfect world you would have grid power available to charge the truck overnight only when needed in the colder months of the year. Those cold winters were absolutely killing your efficiency, and without grid power and limited supercharging infrastructure, charging the truck was becoming too big a part of your daily planning. Kudos to you for giving it a go and really sussing it out.


Exactly! The logistics of anything—whether it’s charging, the type of car you drive, an investment property, a job, schooling, or whatever—ultimately come down to how it fits your specific situation.   It's funny how people get upset when you don’t dislike something they expect you to or when you don’t like something but acknowledge that it could work well for someone else.  Especially in the EV car space.


"...I just can't help but constantly feel like I'm going to get ripped off." Preach.


As a happy EV owner, I completely understand your concerns and agree with your choice here.
Charging infrastructure needs to get a LOT better before EVs will be widely adopted. And we need better batteries that can handle cold.


I grew up in Wisconsin in the 1950's and 1960's. Sometime in the 1960's studded snow tires became available. My dad got some and they really worked great. Fast forward 4-5 years later and the roads all had two grooves in them from the studs. The concrete roads were worn down to the stones, all the finish surface was gone. They now limit the studded tires to mid Nov. to April.


Fellow '22 Lightning owner here.

 Your sentiments mirror my own experiences: If you can satisfy your daily commute with one charge and charge at home it's great. Otherwise it's a burden and not the right tool for the job


The fact that it takes 8.5 hours to buy a truck is absolutely obscene.  And I’ve never bought a truck or any vehicle for that matter that didn’t take the entire day. It’s absolutely ridiculous.


Also... So glad to get a video, really been missing my Ambition Strikes videos!


I'm an R1T owner and have 60k.  It fits my lifestyle of towing my rock crawler, haul mtb's and dirt bikes with added bonus the wife can drive a few times a week her 60 mile commute.  I have road tripped it a lot to other states.

Your review was great and fair.  There is more planning than ICE vehicle.  I have stopped thinking about range around town.

What I like is no maintenance.   I only change oil on my toys.


Thanks so much for the honesty.  So often it is all Anti EV or all Pro EV and you are having to try and cross reviews from different people and try to guess what is honest vs what is them trying to push their pro or anti agenda.  It is refreshing to have honest reviews that are showing the ups and downs that exist with every vehicle so I can factor them into my life.


DUDE, I so love the honest and smart review of someone who wants it to work like I do.  I hope they get it to the point that it would work for both of us and more.


Thanks for a balanced and reasonable review of a critical piece of transport for your family. I love the logic you went through for such a key investment. Being off-grid in the cooler northern region of the US weakens the justification for this kind of vehicle. We have two EVs but live on the grid in a warmer climate and don't have to tow anything or deal with snow, so it makes sense for us. That must be a big relief knowing you have access to such a vehicle now.


I have a 36 gallon tank in my F150 too... so great to have. In the Summer I can get over 700 miles to a tank.


I think this is a good move for you - and I say that as someone who owns a Lightning! Looks like you got a good deal on the swap, too!! They are fantastic trucks, but when you're off grid, you're really losing out on the main benefit that I see as an EV owner - being able to come home and plug in, without thinking or worrying at all, knowing that the next time I jump in the truck I'm back at full range. The only time charging ever crosses my mind is if I'm driving over 150 miles. I'm really interested to see how you like the new truck over the next year or two!


Brand new truck and when you started it in the very last clip, the check engine light was on!!! What the...???  🤣🤣


BIG Thumbs Up for not playing music...especially when talking!  Thank you.


We’re off grid we did the same lightning had the same issue. Switched to a Powerboost F150 best of both worlds! 👍 to export power to charge the house.