The fact that I was left mining stone for 23 minutes... (before escaping). Be ready next time when I invite you :P !
Green team building deadly traps in mountains, meanwhile half our team didn't even have netherite when the walls dropped
Love how pingu the mastermind escaped it!
Ahah I love that the bubble elevator trap ended up being the solution after all when it was the first idea behind this trap.
Hey man, just wanted to let you know that even though I don’t play minecraft or watch minecraft youtubers anymore, I still watch your content because it’s just so well made. Thanks for the effort you put in!
The real power of this trap is how it destroys your framerate, making escaping it significantly harder.
lmao nice vid, i actually stumbled into the trap as I was checking out the builds once the event had concluded and I can backup the fact that this trap is no joke
1:30 nice, that you play double time by Gareth Coker from the tumble minigame from console edition in the background! 6:25 and there is also Dashing on the double, amazing.
0:51 they can still eat golden apples and can use other items, since they don't need to look at the signs and can just sneak. You could however make it full of entities with right click actions (other than riding), for example villagers since sneaking doesn't prevent entity interactions. The only problem would be performance issues with all of the entities.
the fact that you even made the walls regenerate goes another level XD
i love how pingu is just chilling and clown is like "ok"
Props to MythicalPingu for finding the way
I finally watched this, and Purple you sir are an evil genius. I love it. Do it again.
this is a pretty good channel! I love how redstone works especially with very satisfying ones( i dont love building them because my brain cant get a single sense what is happening )
absolute chad to spend so much time on vids, plus well edited. bro you deserve that sub of me
Frxnkey literally have some damn hard skills he escaped from that doom machine
A good Redstone YouTuber that gives us good content
I like this videos and your calmed voice! Keep up the great work!
Your channel is so underrated! I just found it and everything is so interesting!