
Most highly requested version, here you go!
I make a lot of Spider-Man/Bully Maguire videos so make sure to Subscribe and stay tuned! 
Any recommendations for future videos?


Mr.Ditkovitch was so obsessed with peter that he entered in portal to get his rent.
Salute to him.


Dr Strange: ”They’re starting to come through and I can’t stop them”
Mr. Ditkovich: Give me rent!


Otto isn't actually evil,he actually paid his rent


Ah yes Mr ditkovich getting his rent is quite satisfactory


Would’ve been fucking lit if they included Mr Ditkovitch in No Way Home


At this point Mr Ditkovitch owes rent from every living creature  .


I like how Harry has this habit of coming out nowhere to save the day for someone, the final battle of Spider-Man 3, and now this. It truly is impressive, his parents must be so proud...

Wait a minute-


"You'll get the rent when you'll show me the actual Peter Parker"


Ever since I saw spider man 2 as a kid, I’m still wondering why James Franco claps like that to this day


14 years... 14 YEARS!!! Is how long it took for Mr. Ditkovich to get his rent


These videos are the first thing on my recommended 3 days in a row.


Doc Ock : Your not Peter.
Dictovich : He'll put some dirt in your eyes.


Ock: You're not Peter Parker? 
Ditkovich: Give me rent!
Ock: ok here.
Ditkovich: Thanks, finally! Now I can get my daughter her crackers.


I hope when the portals open up it’s just thousands of Mr. Ditkovitchs from every universe looking for their rent


Honestly I don’t know how Harry still can be rich enough to pay the bills for otto when his dad lost everything he sacrificed including his death


Mr. Ditkovich: give me rent
Doc Ock : you'll get your rent when you fix my damn sun.


Dude these are friggin amazing I love them-


Mr Ditkovitch finally fixed the damn door


How about Harry in the Iron Spider suit? 
Doc Ock: You're not Peter Parker. Hello Harry. 
Harry: Otto. Don't hurt Peter!