That water tank will make two wonderful copper planters for the garden and they will develop a gorgeous verdigris patina with time. Go for it!
The old water tank: - Rain harvesting tank for the garden. - Cut it in half (top to bottom) for (a) a beverage trough when hosting parties on your deck, and (2) a raised flower bed. - polish it up for some steampunk art installment. - Start a distillery. - Cut it in half (equator) to make a fire pit. - turn it into a smoker (as in Texas BBQ).
That gorgeous, crisply focused shot of the borage and bees against the dark background almost made me cry. Definitely Gardeners World quality. You probably already know, but the leaves taste like cucumber and are good in soups.
4:36 here are some ideas: • Some kinda cool contemporary coffee table or futon stool. • a horizontal planter • a chair with curved back • hydrophobic watering tower • use it as a feature element of the kitchen like a backsplash
Kiwi living in SoCal, USA. Lovya more than puppy dogs! I gotta hold you to one thing though. Double-gazing the door you just installed, you're a natural at it now, should be easy. 😆Merry Christmas to you both. We are all heading down to NZ for Christmas, Matakana, yipee!
I don’t know for how many years I’ve been watching your content. I’ve learned a lot and I’ve been entertained even more. Thank you very much! And as a nice benefit, when we are in a cold depressing winter, I get to enjoy beautiful spring/summer New Zealand. Cheers from Berlin.
Copper vessel is perfect to begin building a still. You could be cooking up some moonshine in no time.
Slice the copper water heater into shorter tubes. Use them as funky surrounds to hide ugly plastic plant pots. Have plants out on your deck.
In this exciting episode SB reveals he is secretly a ninja (gloves at 2:48.) THIS is my fav channel. Period.
I was wondering when the glass lean-to would be coming down. This episode will leave me still wondering when the glass lean-to is coming down. Great work on moving the door.
The old copper tank must become a gin still, it's the only possible future for it😂🎉
best part just sitting at the table eating chips thinking about the day ...lovely
Cut the water tank in half sideways, weld some legs onto the bottom half and drill a few holes, add a handle for the upper half and add some hinges - better than a Weber 😜
My wife and I have been watching your channel for years and really enjoy it. My wife is tickled every time Scott says “Smoko Time!” and I would love to get her a t-shirt with this on it for Christmas, but can’t find any merchandise on your website. Do you sell merch? If not, you totally should. It’s a great way to add (mostly) passive revenue to your platform. Keep up the great work! 🌺
The hot water thermosiphon for a hot tub is cool. Very easy to make a copper coil that goes into the tub, and cold water comes back from tub at base of the boiler. When you add a heat source to the coil… like a rocket stove setup, it thermally pumps and circulates the water creating heated water for the tub
It is very important, once in a while, when you think you might have bit more than you can chew, to step back and look at what you have achieved and done so far. That way you mentally get a re-set and re-inspired =) But i'm sure you knew that already! Keep on putting out the great content and doing great work. We are all rooting for ya!
Use the copper tank as a future project - Ray's idea - spa pool hot water storage. Build two large solar water heater collectors and mount them on the garage roof. They're easy to make. Essentially a flat plywood tray painted black with copper or polyethylene pipe and glass over top.
Nice bit of Copper scrap for selling as recycling or a very nice 'water Butt' for Jess to use natural rain water for her seedlings. C'mon Scott you should know by now nothing ever goes 100% to plan. "Fish & Chips" really looked like a burger and chips to me!