
I was still sick when I recorded this video so I'm sorry about my voice being slightly more jarring than usual


You can craft any item with every item
Billy: doesnt even make a crafting table


This is originality at its finest


Me: plays pvp

Everyone there: I’m about to end this mans whole career


has anyone realized that this video doesn't really have to do with crafting every item you want


4:24 is it just me or is a double emerald like unbelievably rare?


6:15 I don’t know why this made me laugh 💀


Billy: I dont need dimonds rn, if i was in another game i would be going over the moon!
Me: But u always do modded uhcs, and i don't think that u'll need dimonds there


8:31 had me dead laughing


Shadow apples on community post: guess what the video will be.

The video: insane rap bars


Good video 
Wisp: U can make any sword out of any item
Me: Im gonna make diamrite sword made out of netherite and diamond blocks
Mojang: Wait thats illegal


Randomizer UHC  but you can craft with any item you want


Billy : asks for an idea
Me : gives a lot of ideas u can check if u go to the comment where he asked
Billy : leaves all ideas to use clickbait


Me: it's a new video!
Me: wait... no I saw this 2 days ago
Video: posted 2 days ago
Me: phew..


UHC idea everyone else gets 1 minute of creative but you get double health


Billy I love your video and I hope you feel better


Title: crafting
Thumbnail: anviling
What billy actually does: EnChAnTiNg RaNdOm StUfF


I love watching him back but I hate  being at the receiving end


Me in Quarintine getting bored in 3:09AM and see ShadowApples video in Notification

Me: Boys we conqueror the corona


Billy:it is more like a kidnapp
Youtube: demonize him right now