Honestly, you’re just a vibe. I’ve subscribed because I’m really trying to get into more healthy options for my life. I had 3 orders of wax beads in my Amazon cart. I’m going to switch them out for xs gloves and a cooking thermometer instead. 😅
Honestly I love that this tutorial is so professional and well filmed. Also,thank you to have let me knowed healty alternative to baby powder!
***New subscriber alert***THANK YOU SO MUCH! I LOVE this content.
i freaking love your eyes , they look so beautiful anyways thanks for the tips !!
You are the cutest! You were made for this mama! Love you!❤
Once again, a lot of good information. Thank you very much.
Hi Destiny, great video, as usual. I'm trying to find positions and tips for being able to see after the baby belly. If you're squatting over a mirror there's no room to flick. Sometimes I just feel my way around. Any suggestions?
After my 4th attempt of preparing sugar wax I think i did it, at least I can flick it off now. If I di it a little slower the wax gets stuck adn it is hard to flick it off after that. Fro those of you who do not have a thermometer use a bow of cold water. Put a spoon of your sugar wax - while it is cooking - into the cold water if the sugar wax gets soft and you can form a ball of it then i it is ready. I have one question tho. After I did my sugar wax and tried it on the top of my feet, that are got a little red and I even got something like small pimples on it, it hurts and burns. Then have almost disappear (after 2 hours) but still can somebody share the cause of this. Once again thank you Destiny for showing such a care :)
Hi. For how long can i preserve the sugaring paste after making it?
Okay so. I made the wax and it seems to me to be the perfect consistency but when I actually put it on my skin and try to mold and flick it doesn’t come up like yours does. It just kinda melts everywhere and gets messy quick. Idk if I’m doing something wrong, if the wax isn’t thick enough or my technique is bad. 😢I really wanna get the hang of this! Also, does the brand of sugar matter or you think any granulated sugar works? Thanks your amazing❤️
K but can I get a slick back pony tutorial?!😍
What recipe do you find more accurate? Cuz I saw two different recipes for the sugar wax, with one cup of sugar and two cups of sugar. But the liquids are the same for both recipes 1/4 cup of water and a 1/4 cup of lemon juice
I sugar wax the skin on my chin and neck and there is a lot of hair there. My question is would the pulling of the wax make my skin develop wrinkles faster? I am trying to wax correctly but even if i do it correctly will that makes my skin develops more wrinkles? Love your videos keep going
My wax is liquidity and it’s not sticking idk what I did wrong if doesn’t stick should I add more sugar ?
i love ur shirt so cute
Thanks this video, very helpful
I'm always having troubles with my wax honestly but I've left it in its pot for months or a little less than a year and there was quite a lot left from my first and only successful session in which I waxed an eighth or less of my thigh and called it a day. I've come back to it being too sticky and soft (possibly) to do the job. Could I just heat it up again until it's hard and continue using it? It worked the last time it was too soft and I don't want to waste so much.
Just made my sugar wax for the third time
Hi I’m keen to know how long the homemade wax lasts and how to store it? Thank you 🙏