I think Vanjie is super eloquent in her own way and watching this made me like her even more.
"Outravert" and that's why I loves me some Vanessa V
In a world that turned as it should, Vangie and I would be besties.
I think a lot of times special people don't know how special they are and how much they matter to people they've never met.
Why am I crying tears of joy when Miss Vanjie was so humble with if they ask me to come back I’ll clean the toilets. I am who I am. And I represent people like me. Her story arch was the one of the best.
He’s so cute in person. Very down to earth. You go Vanjie!
I can watch a whole season of just Vanjie talking about anything. Love her!
Vanjie is a class act. Her energy is so bright 🌞
Vangie is and will always be one of Ru’s favorites. Forever knows her name. Made and regularly wears a Vangie necklace. She is Drag Race royalty just being who she is ❤
She’s just amazing! Met her in person and she’s just as kind and beautiful! Also she smelt great too!
Vanjie is like a fine wine, just gets better with time.
"You want my plate of food?" 😂😂😂😂😂😂 Is THAT what we are calling it now 😂
Miss Vanjie has come a long way to keep pushing forward with her career, she is a true queen
One of my favourites. Personality for days. Adorable person.
There is only one Vanjie, and that is why she is so loved
“I did my time the way I wanna do it . LETS SEE WHAT HAPPENS” is how I live my life
Global All Stars is calling her name! 😂❤
The difference between her boy look to her girl look is mind blowing 🤯... She are so stinking Gorgeous! I'm not kidding! She went from backing off of the runway repeating her name imbedding it into our hearts, minds and souls. Nobody knew what the universe had in store for her....NOBODY! I'm so in love with her raw sense of humor. She pretends to be ditzy but she's not fooling me. She's so smart! It's so fun watching her grow in this world famous Queen. Her life must be so fun to live! Love you Vanje!!
I ❤️Vangie’s energy - seems like a such a loving person 🥰