A lot of work was involved in compiling all the data in this excellent informative video. Thank you for your hard work!!
The first common sense words I hear from an English speaking person since a very long time. Let's do things differently now Thank you
I wish all American would watch this with an open mind. This is one of the best videos I have seen explaining the conflict, great content!
Thanks for this insightful video. Kudos to Jeff Sachs, someone who can educate us in plain and direct language about what the US role has been in the world over the past many decades. It has been creating unspeakable suffering for millions around the world and has been putting us here in the US in great jeopardy. The US is gaining enemies, not supportive neighbors. This is a losing strategy.
Prof Sachs is a national treasure. Represents a generation that has disappeared from the American political stage.... UNTIL NOW BEOTCHES! I pray for Prof Sach daily, and so should you
The world can not thank Prof. Sachs enough for telling the truth against a monstrous wall of lies.
If Victoria Nuland said the sky was blue, I'd go outside and check.
And now, at the age of 58, I finally understand it all. This is all so utterly saddening, the unnecessary deaths of so many young people, in the name of 'Government policies', power, greed, corruption. God save us all from the evils of war.
An excellent overview of the war in Ukraine.
JUJU putting this together! You are doing Gods work
The remarks from Professor Sachs give so much insightful information about the origin of the conflict between Russia and the West. Not to imagine to obtain such insights from (German) mainstream channels. Thanks a lot for this upload!
Mr. Sach’s opinion is so important in the world. And there is a ton of evidence to support what he says.
A very wise man with a clear (unspoiled) vision!
I’ve heard Sachs many times before, but this is the first I’ve seen with the addition of the archival footage. Excellent! Everyone should see this.
dear Mr Sacks . This is the most complete video I have ever seen since I have started listening you and watching you about 2 years ago . Tks for telling the truth that is 100% facts checked
thank you, Jeffrey Sachs, you are well informed, you are a gentleman,
Should be required viewing for all concerned citizens
Great video compilation with the references to history. Great man Jeffrey Sachs!
🙏 well done interlacing Sachs’s explanation with footage at the time. Very powerful 👏