I love that she gets a bit of an accent saying "father" and "tuna"
"I'm loyal to my father."- Angela Corleone
Mad respect to her. Her dad’s enemies are her enemies. That’s how you know the family is close
The level of loyalty matches the accent.
I love how you can hear Angela’s Italian side coming out when she said ‘they f*cked up my tuna’ it’s subtle, but I like to also think that her father is a Mafia guy, so that’s why she has to stay loyal ta’ her fatha’
I absolutely loved her during this entire Disney reddit story, I actually hag cackled when she yelled: "they take it out on THE LAND?!?"
God I love her enunciation.
My Dad's grudge place is The Brick, a furniture store here in Canada. I don't exactly remember what they screwed up, but when I first asked he stated: "I will never cast my shadow at The Brick."
Angela is so naturally funny in every way. i LOVE her on everything she is in
As a young kid of 8 or 9 years old, i won a certificate for a free pizza for oerfect attendance from Rocky Rococo's. My dad happily took me there and waiting the 20-ish minutes for this personal sized pizza smoking his cigar the whole time. Once the pizza came out, we left and noticed it was burnt to a crisp upon getting home. My dad then decided to drive all the way back there with me in tow just to yell at the guys. I'll never forget his last words he yelled at them... "My ----ing family will never be back at your ----ing place ever again!" It's been 40+ years now and I still haven't gone back to one. It's amazing how much your dad has you in fear of going to somewhere even many decades later
Her accent is like half of her personality, in the best of ways lmao
Bro I love when her accent comes out 💙💙💙💙💙
The accent slips. I love it
An Olive Garden opened up near my home years ago, so I took my father there as a nice treat. He then spent the whole meal loudly complain about everything from the waiter to the food until he got his meal comped. He had a great time, I can never show my face there again.
I already adored Angela, I didn't need even more reasons to adore her.
I love the lil' 'ahhhh' part of Shayne's laugh when he really gets going!
This is the most Italian thing I've heard in a long time
The most Italian thing ever. The family’s enemy is my enemy. “I’m loyal to my fatha they fuck up is tuna” is so real There’s many a places I don’t go to cause my dad had a bad interaction there. Never questioned it
That's a very, very Italian thing. 😂😂