
Multi-billion dollar corporation: * Does literally anything *

Mr Matty Shills: "We're so back!!!"


I'm a huge Gears of War fan. At one point it was the only game series that I played. Now I wish they would just leave it alone.


New Gears of War Prequel coming out. I'd be down for a Gears 1-3 full remake to go with it. I'm always hopeful for a new good gears of war despite gears 5 being lame


Don’t underestimate the Xbox fanboys. They’ll defend the platform even if it goes against their so called “morals”. Look at Fritanga… he switched up from “anti-woke” grift to now supporting LGBT ideologies because that’s what Xbox supports.


South of Midnight is a no for me.


Aim assist is pretty much built into console games these days. Many games don’t let you turn it off and that sucks.


If we consider trends... and we look at things like.. Myspace, and compare it to current Xbox trends,  Xbox is looking like Myspace looked just before it was never looked at again.


It takes this guy to long to get to the point the only time I watch him is on your show😢


It's simple part 2 & 3 don't have pc ports, plus remastering and/or remaking these games have been a long lasted whish of the fanbase (which is still huge) way before activism took gaming hostage. Despite the vast majority of the fanbase hated and rejected that they ditched the old characters for Kat Diaz. To many as with all legendary juggernaut Ip's, prefers to stick their heads into the sand. Pretending they didn't wanted a new audience more then a decade ago, which was ironic since the Ip always had a large female fanbase (real gamer gals). But considering the studio is still run by Third Wavers of the first hour (2007/2010) a Gears collection still can't be trusted. But I would love to have it done properly.


I always disabled aim assist in CoD Zombies to help me surf and maximize points. No bigger frustration than getting magnetically pulled into a Zombie double swipe while trying to run past the train of zombies. I just wish I could have disable it in Halo Reach. With a XIM3, I swear it was like aimbot. That's how strong and annoying it was.


Matti appears to be in front of Colt in the Xbot centipede.


Gears going by other titles released under parent company well, nah not going to save nothing.


Good morning! Let's make this Sunday a day of relaxation and tranquility.


No pronouns no rainbow flag bullshit sounds great


I play ps2


Mr. Matty loved him some Sarah Bond.


Gears 1 with new maps and no host advantage would be incredible.


What difference do you see from the woman armor in Gears 3, that the "Karen" also wore in Gears 4? I guess you haven't played any Gears games at all.


Everyone needs to stop being fan boys because there is no good way to just go with a company look at Sonys fans defending remake after remake


Xbox have nothing left except 8 games they are releasing this year. Pathetic.

Gears 5 was an awesome game if someone actually played it, not someone who heard it from others. Its rtaed very positive by users and critics.