As an educator in the University level, I use my ipad pro 11” M1 every single day. From using airplay over zoom for my online lectures (Yes, we are still doing online classes here in the Philippines), to reading academic articles, to writing notes, and signing important documents. I also have my ipad mini 6 if I need to go out and have a more portable ipad. The ipad is such a good complementary device to my M1 13” macbook pro. Although the ipad os is very limiting, it’s still one of the most very useful devices with my workflow.
Great video man, thanks for having me 🖤
Random information: Elvis Presley's manager sold "I Hate Elvis" badges as a way to make money off of people who weren't buying his merchandise. Genius.
I absolutely love my iPad Pro 12.9 (2020). I take it everywhere with me and I do everything on it from work, which I work as a marketing/multimedia coordinator for a real estate company. So I edit video, send and receive emails constantly, upload and download of photos and videos. Then there’s the content consumption, gaming, social media, calls and texts. I works like a charm. Very rarely do I actually need to use my computer for anything. iPad Pro is my favorite tablet.
honestly as a student, i’ve been using my ipad pro as my main device with my laptop being my secondary. i just love how portable and versatile the ipad is!
Great video Isaac! I have personally sold my MacBook Pro and have switched over to an iPad Air as my only “computer” for about a year now. While the change took a bit of getting used to, the one thing I took away is that the iPad is just… fun! It’s more fun to go do class work, more fun to get normal tasks done, just more fun all around. There are very few things I’ve found I cannot do on the iPad, and that’s restoring iPods (a very niche task for my modding hobby) and taking proctored exams for school. Aside from those two specific tasks the iPad does everything I need it to! For anyone looking to switch: are there any specific tasks you do that necessitate a full desktop OS? Also, think about whether you want a keyboard case built in (like the magic keyboard) or a separate one. For me, a separate mouse and keyboard work best for the most iPad-esque setup, but some people want a more laptop-esque setup. Side note I use the Logitech K380 and love it! Sorry for the long comment, your videos always inspire me to jump in Canoopsy!
I'm still hearing in my head: " Hello everyone, Cannopsy here " which I didn't like, I'm happy that you ditch that, but I'm still hearing that in my head :)
I’ve been using my 2018 iPad Pro as my computer replacement for four years now. I wish the software would match the power of the iPad Pro a bit more, but since I mainly consume media rather than create anything, the versatility of the iPad with the iPad keyboard was a no brainer for me. It’s easier to carry around when I’m out and switching between using it as a tablet/keyboard mode whenever I want is clutch.
Dude. You basically crammed 2 of my favourite youtubers in this Video Christopher Lawley and Byte Review. They are superstars. And you of course is the GOAT. 🇨🇦 represent!
Of course I'm still in love with this awesome looking and high performing piece of tablet. It's perfect for me! Thanks for the video, Canoopsy!
The people who believe that the iPad doesn’t take advantage of its power do not know what apps to use or why using them. The iPad is a computer , a very different computer and that’s why people think it’s not a power house. If you’re a developer or work with windows a lot for work this is not for you. If you like to design 3d graphics, photoshop, produce music, type commands over ssh, just making art in general the iPad will fly straight through the workloads. That’s why I think the iPads are for the general public, while the new macs are used for million dollar productions. Most people who buy MacBooks do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING with its raw power. They only want it for the “idea” of being a professional While having the workload of a high schooler needing to use PowerPoint.
I got a 12.9” 2020 iPad Pro a year and a half ago thinking it would run photoshop and illustrator well… didn’t. Instead of returning it to apple I ended up just using it because it’s such a joy. It’s the most effective productivity device in my life currently, I couldn’t imagine my life without an iPad honestly
2018 iPad Pro 11 inch squad ⚡️⚡️⚡️
My 12.9 IPad Pro 2020 works great for everything I do with it. In my job as a security supervisor. I use MS word, excel, outlook and teams. It all works perfectly. I also journal, scan any important documents .So I don’t need to keep any paper really. That’s so underrated imo. Along with social media, web browsing, as well as watching movies and YouTube. The IPad is just the best fit for me and my needs.
I’ve owned a 12.9 M1 for about a month now and I have to say I’m glad I didn’t trade in my 3 year old MacBook. I couldn’t open a simple PDF document from a store brand credit card on my powerful M1 and had to turn fire up my old base model MacBook Pro to complete the task. It’s frustrating that I have to keep a device around because I never know when I’m going to come across something that my M1 iPad can’t handle, my needs are very simple so I can’t see how a even slightly more sophisticated user could do everything on an iPad
As a programmer, I use both the MacBook Pro and the iPad Pro 12.9 (2020), mainly using the iPad for note taking and as a second screen, but I have realized that the iPad is amazing for media consumption, because of the large screen and the amazing speakers.
same. my ipad pro with the magic keyboard and apple pencil goes everywhere i go. it just so intuitive to use as a portable computer, more so than even a macbook air.
iPad Pro with Magic Keyboard is a real gamechanger for me. Such an amazing device. Can’t even imagine working without it.
i’m gonna be honest, I have completely ditched my Macbook for it. I do everything on it - editing videos, browsing internet, using my Pencil, obsessively watch youtube especially by having unlimited data package on it. It made my habit of postponing emails (i hate typing on iphone) disappear. So yes, it is major!