
R.I.P.  Lawn Chair Larry


Seymour Hersche broke the North Stream Pipeline story and the US media went "Oh look a spy balloon"


Dude, the sarcasm and humor were on point.


We learn that a swinder cost $400k and the F22 first encounter was a balloon. And not covered in here, a balloon enthusiast said one of their balloon tracking was lost the same day the air force start shooting  UFO down. The cost was $14 balloon.


Balloons don't hit back-Bruce Lee


Well done! — Please do a follow up video when more facts on the 4 objects are available.


It's only combat if they are shooting back.


I've seen "octagonal shaped balloons", mylar party balloons. There are probably many of them in the air all the time, we just never worried about them before.


Bro the tax payers already paid for the missiles. To act as if they can bill someone for it is absurd. Thats not how it works im certain


Turns out it was....a weather balloon.


So now they are shooting down Ham Radio 3 or 4 foot bloons.


Invasion by Aliens or communists? I'm more worried a 737 will collide with one. Good training for the guys and girls serving.  'Viper 7,  I have the bogy at 0900. Let's waste that puppy.'


From DK: My take: Except for the Balloon shot down over Virginia, all the others were  sent by the Germans, trying to find out the Safe House where the guys who blew up Nord Stream 1 & 2 were hiding, so they can liquidate them. LOL...🙃😊


Because the wind blows that way?


"I'm to close for missiles, switching to guns" Would this perhaps have worked better?


Let's face it... If I've got a couple of sidewinder's burning a whole in my launch mechanism and something unexpected pops up on my radar?  ...news at 9. 😜


Also very good job and good coverage! Kudos to you sir! :-)


Thank you for the footage of Stimpy pressing the History Eraser Button, literally the greatest cartoon ever.


the last 2 were much lower, why wouldn't they send a helicopter with a big hook to pop the baloon and bring it intact to a military base to determine what the electronics were doing??


Why use missile?  Doesn't most fighter jets have machine guns to just pop the balloon?