I just upgraded to a 13” M4 and this is my first Magic Keyboard. I specifically went to the Apple Store to try the new model out before making a decision. I have the Logitech keyboard combo on my old M1 and liked it, but the Magic Keyboard is definitely a better typing experience and feels more ‘solid’. The connection for the Logitech keyboard is kinda flimsy and results in the keyboard shifting when using in my lap. I did like that it has a case for the iPad, which the Magic Keyboard does not. I figured I’d try it out for the 2 week return period and I quickly decided that I really like it and use it way more than I thought it would or than I did with the Logitech. The price is ridiculous, but it really is a nice piece of kit. I’m pretty sure I’m going to keep it at this point, but recommend if anyone is on the fence, you have two weeks to return with no questions from Apple, so try it out and return if you really don’t like it or can’t justify it.
Regarding the accuracy of the trackpad I think you're referring to the trackpad inertia. When you move the mouse on a Mac it stops immediately when you stop. On an iPad it continues moving for a bit. If you go into system settings and search for inertia you can toggle this off so that it acts like a Mac cursor.
Excellent review! I loved that you addressed the wobbliness of the Magic Keyboard, which is something I've only seen one other reviewer do so far!
Far and away, the best, most honest review of the Magic Keyboard so far! I subscribed. I really can’t grok how in beta, Apple’s designers didn’t notice the top-heavy, falling backwards when mounting the iPad, and concluded, “That’s good enough for a $300+ release anyway.” Did they even test it with an M4 iPad mounted? For me, it’s a dealbreaker. With each release, Apple makes their iPads more “laptop-like.” How could they not consider how it works in your “lap?”
I'm loving the keyboard in the black and haven't had issues keeping it clean so far. Also, I agree that it's top heavy but I enjoy using it on my lap. It's definitely improved from the last Gen.
I have some opinions on this, having just returned the massively heavy ESR keyboard case for a 12.9" iPad Pro to Amazon. iPad keyboard cases, from various suppliers like Logitech, used to work pretty well. Then along came the trackpad, I guess because we desperately needed to turn the iPad into a "real" laptop computer. The extra space needed for the trackpad meant shifting the iPad toward the back of the unit. Heavy, tippy systems with wobbly screens are the result. Why we needed a mouse on an iPad escapes me, but those are just my thoughts.
For me, the difference and took time to get use to was the circle vs the arrow, that is typically used in computers.
I buy a iPad to be tablet. A keyboard is a nice bonus but definitely not for this price 😅
I picked up my first magic keyboard with my 2020 iPad Pro, just a few months after I purchased my 2020 MacBook Pro for $2000. Let’s just say that the MacBook Pro has less than 100 battery cycles in 2024. I now have a 2023 iPad Pro with magic keyboard and it’s pretty much all I use. I only pull out the MacBook Pro for certain things when absolutely necessary. I run my business on the iPad Pro, and now I do most of my recording in pro logic and video work in Final Cut Pro on the iPad.. and I do own Logic Pro on desktop. I really think iPads are the future. I only wish they would come up with a hybrid OS to be more compatible with some websites..
Just picked up the Magic Keyboard M2 11” after owning the Pro M2 for a year and I should have picked it up sooner. It’s so easy to switch from keyboard to tablet mode, feels quality.
You are very pleasant to listen to and watch. Subscribed
I'm a big fan of the separated external BT keyboard and ipad on stand: For one, it's more ergonomic to have the iPad a bit higher and a bit behind the keyboard. Also, it's way more affordable than the Apple Magic Keyboard: there are lots of affordable BT keyboards that a great typing experience, backlit keys, and a rock solid connection to the iPad. There are lots of very affordable stands, including portable ones. The keyboard and portalbe stand I purchased together weigh slightly less than the new Magic Keyboard. The stand folds nearly flat and both fit quite easily in my bag along with my M4 iPP. My total cost was around $125 for the stand & keyboard. What I give up with this combo is the cool factor of the Apple Magic Keyboard and the convenience of having everything in one slim package. Only you can decide if those things are important enough to spend more than double. But for me, the ergonomics are the deciding factor. My workdays include many hours sitting at a desk. Tipping my head down to look at an iPad screen that is low and right next to my hands when typing isn't comfortable after a half hour or so. So I'm happy to pass on the Apple Magic Keyboard. But I know it'll be a great option for many. It's very well-made, it "just works," (and works really well), and you get the convenience and cool factor, both of which are worth paying money for.
I got my new iPad Pro 4 a few days ago. I’m glad I splurged for the magic keyboard. I had a Logitech Bluetooth keyboard. It was OK, but the magic keyboard is better in so many little ways. I typically use my tablet while laying on my back, with the keyboard sitting between my stomach and chest. It is a little wobbly, but not too bad. On the rare occasions I use it in my lap, I will need to prop it up with something near the front. maybe some third-party will come up with gizmo that stays attached to the bottom of the keyboard just for that purpose – maybe 1 inch rubber wedge or something.
Great video, very helpful. Thank you. I enjoyed your feedback too. I hope Apple is watching and listening.
Since I already had an Apple bluetooth keyboard, a Logitech Pebble mouse, and an inexpensive stand I decided to operate on the cheap.
Why is no one asking for feet on this keyboard case!? They could make the back feet bigger so the weight is pushed forward a bit.
the wobble is annoying but not a deal breaker for me. for my purposes, the keyboard makes the ipad pro a full scale computing machine. Great video
Nice review! I can't see any reason to ditch my M1 Pro and "old Magic Keyboard" for the M4 and it's keyboard though but I like your videos.
Terren Rule, Subscribed because your videos are so much fun!