
Fund my war on Japan by downloading War Thunder for free today: https://playwt.link/reggie24


"A low level Yakuza whose entire existence is dedicated to taking a nearly lethal amount of Ls," ah, I love a video game protagonist I can relate to


The fact that I can’t tell when something is a joke by Reggie or actually happening in the game says a lot about how absolutely insane Yakuza is


I never thought I’d see Reggie play Yakuza… but on the other hand, I think it fits him perfectly.


Reggie making a two part series has become the worst thing he has done to impact my life since believing anyone named Patel is trustworthy and then receiving a completely useless sinus duct operation in hopes of curing some chronic illnesses.




the truly crazy part of this video is that Reggie isn’t being hyperbolic or making things up or playing the game in a “funny way.” This is what this game is. Magnificent.


Sometimes i think to myself there is no way Reggie can make a more wild video title, then he uploads this unhinged monstrosity.


I like that most of Reggies videos involve him perverting a game into an insane nightmare but this video is just a description of someone doing a standard Yakuza playthrough.


Reggie, Yakuza's Japan is the setting of a mass-casulty criminal conspericy every other week... I am convinced anything you do, NO MATTER HOW DERANGED, will only improve the quality of life there!


24:42 MAJIMA! You absolutely cannot have a good Yakuza experience without having Goro Majima.


Who would win?
The entire population of Yokohama.
A middle-aged guy with a baseball bat.


I love the Don Quixote protag archetype. Well-meaning but completely delusional.


Reggie is my favorite answer to the question of 'Life narrator'. I can hear it now "Within half an hour of purchasing a seven dollar harbor freight machete, every extensor tendon in his wrist was severed except for the thumb. Now, many may call this a loss, but I would consider this nothing but a win." and then go on about the weakness of flesh and the now open opportunity for a mechanical hand and the harm that can be inflicted onto others with it.


Not using Mabuchi’s theme during his fight was a crime


not only did Reggie play yakuza but he also used music from limbus 

I did not expect ANY of this


20:55 I watched through this section thinking "oh yeah this is all normal" and about 15 seconds of processing later I did a mental double take.


Feed me more content, father


26:08 "The boys at R&D have completed preliminary testing on the Orbital Laser, the next generation of personal defense armaments. Its geosynchronous orbit gives it a target divergence factor of 8-to-1. It's an awesome weapon, the most powerful in your arsenal."


This is like a Max0r video if you could actually understand what's happening