I didn't really find any other sightings of One during the episode, just these two really, but do let me know if you found any other ones and I might do a follow up version!


"Watchers are wannabes."
- Clock, 2018


One is genuinely getting creepier and more ominous episode by episode


Imagine two tweaking bc they let their bestie stay as a cook just for her to get kidnapped 😭😭
Edit: sorry I thought two was a he I fixed it now


I was sad that she didn't show up as much this episode while watching but thinking about it now, I think it makes her more mysterious like this, to only have such short screentime right after the episode she had big moments in.


One probably took anchor away when leek said “anchor? You ok?”


Gaty won’t sign because she won’t buy Ones “I’m a friend of Two” act, she’ll probably will get used as a hostage.


How much i bet we will have a "We don't talk about 3" joke on TPOT


kinda cool that 3 is blured out on the fridge


0:16 let’s all take a moment to talk about how the drawing of three is scribbled out


Gaty: (gets taken by one)
Two: (gets gun)


0:16 the crescent on one kinda resembles the decorations on “one’s place thingy”


I think Three could fully show himself in the tpot finale as he is woken up by One’s Chaos


0:15 Yeah. Uhhh, Two. About your decision to send Gaty to the kitchen. I don’t think it’s gonna have the best of outcomes.


When I saw one looking at gaty I genuinely screamed: "NOOOOOOOOOO"


It’s kind of clear that with everyone being aware of these sudden disappearances, One likely won’t kidnap anymore contestants, it kind of makes sense that in total she has taken 5, as her powers are symbolised as stars, and stars usually have 5 points, I think next episode is where One will bring her plan to fruition, I feel all she has to do left is give a deal to one more person, and that person isn’t up for elimination.
By this point, it has became personal!


my theory is, they (probably) used to be close friends back then. but somethings definitely up with their relationship since two doesnt tell anybody about one, even gaty. welp, i also think that one and three were close friends. like back then at xfohv you can see them being together at the end. and i think that one wants to help three get out of four. and one wants two's friends to get out of tpot. why? because she wants tpot, she wanted to become the most powerful number. even more than four. like, you can see how powerful one is, she could control the weather and have a power like two. but still, she doesn't think that's enough. 
also, at 0:18 twos drawing have a sun shaped at the fridge, while one's drawing have a moon shape at it. this could probably mean how their relationship back then is. so, with all that, i think one doesnt exactly hates two. she just wants two's powers and still cared. two on the other hand, clearly hates one on whatever incident happened between them. two never even mentioned one once. ok that's all thanks


It seems like One knows Two is bonding with Gaty, so what if One uses Gaty to make Two give up their powers just to save Gaty like One “either give me your powers or Gaty goes bye bye…what’s it gonna be?” Imagine that happened-


the scary number cameo (the scribbled paper)


I think tht one is going to get a huge role in the next tpot episode.... they probably will get gaty and maybe donut?????? its sure gonna be interesting