Awesome video my friend I can tell you definitely YouTube is not on easy mode. I started one of my channels back in 2009 and then another one in 2016 back before you had to have 4000 watch hours. It was basically you got 1000 subscribers and you were making money And after years of making content YouTube decided that they were gonna make all the small content creators start over with getting monetization and 4000 hours along with 1000 subscribers thank God at that time I had a sponsor partnership with Microsoft in the gaming community so I was able to get my channel up and running monetize again pretty quickly but in 2020 I deleted everything off of my YouTube channel and started from scratch and it’s been a long hard road now and I’m still fighting every day to keep going and I also have seen where everybody says oh YouTube‘s an easy mode. It’s like no it’s not. It’s never been well. I take that back. He used to be an easy mode, way back in the day but not so much anymore.