
Shout out to my boy egamer for making me the thumbnail: https://youtube.com/c/EgamerX14
And also I hope you guys enjoyed this video


You are probably my new favorite YT commentator. You're not too edgy like Grimsy and you're not too sensitive like HarleyTBS. You're just right.


Vince is text book definition of chronically online, he just uses edgy jokes and just takes a piss out of random channels😭 like I could describe bro as the steriotypical hichschool bully💀💀💀


PLEASE make a video about danno draws


I support this video’s message.


I watch V1nce and Yep! You gave some valid Points, Some of his jokes are unfunny 

but one thing you criticized about his Jokes is that all He does Is just Scream in a Mic and Say F*ck You (which yes he does) But V1nce actually Said Himself he doesn’t try to Give valid Criticism bc His Fans Would Rather Watch Scream in A mic Calling Furrys Fatherless


Ah yes another Amazing video


Dont make me change the letters n an g fron ginger


Stfu = now I'm vince but I personally like his content




Vince reminds me of those kids that would say any edgy/offensive shit just be funny


I support this I hate that guy or as YouTube would ike me to say "I dislike him"


Vince is extremely unfunny and sus


This mf is robby from gravity falls💀💀💀


Ay great vid


I think Vince is funny but I respect your opinion


Based video