I've been going through your old videos since getting recommended a video or two of yours and then doing a deep dive and just now realised you were a Jenna & Julien fan as well, and it's so nice and comforting, and I really enjoyed how this video has chillhop music in the background just like Julien's vlogs - I discovered chillhop through him and made a playlist called 'Julien Yellow' that was really good for someone like me who was in a really emotionally fragile state where suddenly a lot of the music I used to listen to was too emotional, too many sad memories or too 'loud'. I still have that playlist and think about Julien leisurely skating down a long hill under the California palm trees when I hear it. Maybe this is the time for me to let J&J content back into my life and let the painful nostalgia become joyful. I really did love his vlog content
i needed this. there has been a genuine void in my life since jenna left, and part of that has been my unwilligness to re-engage with that content since i now know how it would end. but you're so right, the joy and passion and brightness is so inspiring and comforting and i really really missed it.
I’m just now finding this video but this makes me so happy. I really adored Julien’s YouTube channel (esp Aries kitchen!) and I loved the Jenna and Julien pod. Livestreams give me anxiety a lot, and being a very casual gamer I’m not into watching other people play games so I’ve missed most of his Twitch journey — might look for his meme reviews, that sounds fun! I’ve also really enjoyed the stream highlights he and his editing team put together for us on Julien2! It’s like getting that same togetherness feeling I used to get in his video comment section without the stress of being in a real livestream.
You explained his videos and content so well.
hey just wanna say i’m binging your channel rn and i think your videos are super informative and just wanted to say you’re doing a great job & enjoy your content.
I found your channel because tiffanyferg mentioned it. She described your demi series as "very kind" and I think that can be said for every video you do. I feel like I had a similar relationship to jenna and julien's content as you(their cooking vids kept me emotionally FED) and I'm so happy to see Julien thriving :)
I think his twitch chat puts a lot of pressure on him and trauma dump their personal stuff. I know a lot of its because they miss Jenna. But he's his own person. They should give him a bit more space. And being the nice guy he is he allows it. I had to stop watching the animal crossing lives and just watch the edited ones on YouTube because they were backseat gaming wayyy to hard. Wouldn't even let him breathe. I'm glad he's been standing his ground lately but it's going to get to a point where he's going to feel overwhelmed in a big way.
I remember him saying (just once though) that he had a bad day and didn't feel like putting up on an entertainer persona when he was cancelling a stream. It really felt so real and raw. He really seems like such an awesome person. I hope they are both so happy in real life.
Ah where he talks about falling back in love with your art made me cryyy, Ive been having such a tough time being creative with what I love and the point about the world coming between you and your art really hittt meeee oh well we got this
Randomly stumbled upon your content and have been binging through you videos (great stuff btw), only to be surprised by a video about Julien on here. I’ve been a big fan of Jenna and Julien since roughly 2015 and it’s easy to say that Jenna being gone has left a large gap in YouTube content for me. I miss the podcast more than anything and I honestly might consider going through the whole thing again like you mentioned (I haven’t listened to it since it ended). Those videos brought me so much joy, and those two honestly felt like friends walking next to me while I grew up and became an adult. While I don’t think parasocial relationships are very healthy(and honestly disturb me a little, especially when considering the massive invasions of privacy those two dealt with) it’s hard to ignore the impact jenna and Julien made on me and the special spot in my heart reserved for the two. I still support Juliens twitch and watch streams when I can, but it was hard to watch during those few months after Jenna left. Those solo episodes of the podcast were gut wrenching; I couldn’t even bring myself to watch Jenna’s goodbye video. It was just so sudden and unexpected, but I’m just glad to see him moving forward with his own content. It’s sad to say, but the fan base really did not treat him very well after Jenna left, and I was really bothered by it. He is a truly talented artist and deserves the best.
I just love them together. Thanks for a great recap.
This is legit a super cool video it should have so many more views
Super informative video! Deadass how do you only have 5 subscribers?
Finally Julien appreciation!
Omg when the creepy song came out I YELLED ahahahahahahaha
I miss theyre silly videos soooo much
Thank you for this beautiful, wholesome content!! Dink, dink!!
Love your content!! Thank u!
I really enjoyed this video, Ashley.