Thanks for sharing the real-life version of that fix of the crack. I am glad to see someone else struggle through an issue with about the same poise and grace that I do! haha
More outtakes and stuff ups. Makes it real and you’re great at keeping the narrative going and light.
You crack me up John. Dry fitting everything before the actual glue up is a lesson well learned!
Sweet build and great video. Lots of cool little tricks! That little dovetail jig is sweet. Also how do you like that fret saw? Been eyeballing one of those for a while now.
Love that fact you left the mistakes in the video, re-enforces it is ok to make mistakes it is how you overcome them. Great video.
Thanks for sharing this (a long time ago!). Made one just like it and super happy with it!
Thanks for showing people that you make mistakes to.... It helps me to keep going. Thanks!!
Beautiful!!! Dovetails add an elegance to any project. I hope to see more dovetails on future projects - especially handmade.
Very cool box and nice to show how things don't always go right the first time. Nice recovery!!
Nice project! Thank you for showing your mishaps. Getting ready to start a tv cabinet from reclaimed barn boards. Gaining more confidence everyday in my shop and learning that it’s okay to screw up lol.
Nice video John. Keep working on those dovetails. Will be easy before you know it
Solid work john, the box came out great! Really digging the work you are putting in on the hand tools.
Nice size project to build up skills and refine techniques. Nice job John.
Nice job John!
Nice build John. I've now clicked the bell icon so I get notified when your next videos come out. Scott
Great tip with that ca glue! That box is beautiful!!
Love seeing more of the handwork. Great project and thanks for keeping it real.
Just read his book too, highly recommended! Cool project John, nice work.
Thanks John for showing that you are not perfect. Great videos and podcast. Happy new year.