
Thanks for watching! Are you someone who wants the more well rounded smartphone camera or the one that can get a more professional result?
Quick notes
1. Samsung has released a camera update. It actually came out the same day this video released and improves upon some of the issues I highlighted in this video. 
2. After staring at these photos even longer I do want to give the iPhone credit for it's white balance. Even thought I preferred the jpeg images from the Samsung for their resolution and overall look, the iPhone did a better job with the white balance.


I’d definitely like to see the S24 used for street photography. Samsung has made great improvements with the camera and video.


The best camera is the camera you have with you. I am a retired photographer that got tired of carrying gear everywhere and am also pretty tired of extensive post processing. I use a S24 Ultra now as my primary camera because I always have it with me and the pictures it takes are almost always exceptional right out of the box. I lean toward the "postcard" look anymore because it packs the most wow factor. And the Samsung's auto processing packs in a lot of wow into a small space that I prefer and feel a photograph actually needs to make it appealing and attention getting to the average eye. I call it the punch factor. This is of course personal preference. But most of the people I show my pictures to seem to feel the same way. There's a reason people like postcards.


I love the portrait photos of the Galaxy.
S24 ultra photos are really pleasing to my eyes.


just got your Momento book in the mail the other day after watching your YT vid on making it. Been thinking about making an art book of my work with some essays thrown in. Thanks for sharing, the book is dope!


Would love to see the street photography video with the Samsung s24 ultra.. thanks for sharing


Today’s update has improved the S24 Ultras cameras a lot.


Thanks for making this video! Its been exactly what ive been looking for my man


I'm not anything close to a photographer, but I take pictures daily for my work (dog walker). The comments I got about my pictures once I switched from iPhone to Samsung have been night at day. People LOVE the pictures now. Could be coincidence that phone cameras are getting better in general, but man it's very noticable. I don't do much editing other than crops, and have been just using point and shoot


@9:23   i can see the digital processing you refer to .. ,,, the Samsung natural look is truly much better !!  😮


When I'm editing my photos on Lightroom from my Samsung, the final outcome of the edited image is fine.


Apple makes a good phone. Samsung makes a good phone that can multi task... all depends on what you need and want. The majority of android phone's are no good, but buy a flagship Samsung, and you can screen mirror Netflix for the kids while watching/listening to a podcast YouTube while  surfing the web all from one device! For me these functions are used every day but for most people they are ok with just a phone. I also wouldn't be able to go back to something without waterproofing or 10x optical zoom. The list goes on and on and typically the only complaints are from other Apple user's complaining about poor multimedia sharing or no  imessage bubbles but that is all Apple programming to make people not like android and it really works! It's all in your ecosystem and what you need/wan,  but there is no argument about what device can multitask better! IMO


Just thinking of this video ,u just dropped it !!!


Fascinating, Samsung seems to have really stepped it up to get more natural photos in the last years. My S20 was a inconsistent nightmare


The fact that you have to look for the evidence to see the difference, got to show how far the smartphone camera has come, that was not possible years before


Could you please do the iPhone 15PM vs Pixel 8 pro when you can.


Bro stop selling lies. Non of the phones have the high iso  performance,  low noise level, fine detail  and editing flexibility of the full frame mirrorless. Zoom it at just 50 - 100% and its not even close. A phone over a larger stacked /BSI sensor with larger pixels??? really? No real professional is gonna choose a phone to shoot high fashion, editorial, weddings, sports. Only landscape due to computational photography in phones with hdr tech.


Nice review Evan thank you, I'm interested to see some wild photography with S24 ultra


So true! The basic idea is S24 Ultra is versatile and you sometimes get pictures beyond expectations with no professional hassle... I find S24 Ultra an exceptional and reliable tool and I leave my Sony A6600 or my Sony A7III home, without big remorse... It's definitely other feeling you get shooting with S24 Ultra - but hey!, a Smallrig 4610 dedicated metal cage(similar to equivalent Smallrig Branon Li cage for Iphone 15 Pro Max)  - gives you a bit of extra taste and style... I know is just for looks sometimes but everyone here I believe is addicted to gadgets and accesories .... I find your review to be an honest one - and this is my highly praised quality all the way - so I respect your work here and I understand your mixed feelings... but I myself made a hard choice - and got the S24 Ultra, leaving the Iphone circle of trust in the past - and man I don't have the slightest regret whatsoever! Big change - but I believe that Samsung went deep in the future here - and they don't seem to stop improving it, with new updates! The thing is we live challenging times and photography is an accesible art to all of us - we just have to reach for it! Great review! Usually they misiform you about this particular phone models' comparison - and they put Iphone on the highest top and it's not entirely true - everybody has to try the real thing before they become a believer! You've done it - and I know for sure you did - because we've both come to same conclusions! Respect!


How about installing a gcam port on the s24 ultra and then checking out the RAW files from that ? Gcam manages to get more detail from the ultras cameras and the RAW files are better too.