Ray is a kind, courageous wise human being. Respect and gratitude for every show he honors.
Shoutout to Ray McGovern, America's greatest Irish-heritage Government retiree, and to all the VIPS (veteran intelligence professionals for sanity) 🇺🇸✊🏻☮️❤️
Ray is one of my faves. Beautiful humane person
Thank you, Mr. McGovern and Mr. Lottaz!
I am exerting a sort of cathartic joy seeing Pascal trying to contain the explosion of questions that Ray's anecdotes stir up 😂 So that's what I look like when I talk to someone interesting, huh. 😅
I recall a journalist or maybe he was a whistleblower named Gary Sick who exposed the October Surprise while Reagan was still in the White House. I don’t recall exactly when I learned of it, but it was a long time ago and Gary Sick deserves the credit for exposing it.
Thanks Ray for your insights. Thanks Pascal for your channel, you are a standout channel in my quest for truth! ✊
Très instructif. Merci à vous deux pour ce partage
Thank you for bringing a little sanity into the world.
With brilliant and so knowledgeable guests who explain their experiences so vividly, any further summaries may be quite unnecessary.
There should be no doubt Ray McGovern's impersonation of Mr. McGoo would be absolutely perfect.
Sie machen eine verdammt gute Arbeit, für die ich mich sehr bedanke. 🙏MERCI🙏
Wow ; fantastic talk. Thanks Pascal!
Yeeeah. Ray knows things!
Thank you for sharing 🙏
Pascal, I have not seen everything you have done, so maybe you've done this, already and I just haven't seen it, but I would love to see you bring Chris Hedges on.
GREAT Ray McGovern!
Sometimes to my imagination comes the concept of Ray & cohorts opening a sealed jar of Truth & Hope to combat the USGubmint's release of the evils from Pandora's box.