
Use my product links at no additional cost to you!
OBSBOT Tiny 2 (5% OFF Code: Kenneth)
➀ https://www.obsbot.com/store/products/tiny-2?rfsn=7588390.1a1394&utm_source=refersion&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=7588390.1a1394 
Insta360 Link
➀ https://amzn.to/3qExevr
➀ https://www.insta360.com/sal/link?insrc=INRQWHB

Which webcam do you think is the best? Also, what products would you like me to test next on the channel?


hmm I don't know,,,3:58 it feels a bit troublesome to use like this


Great video!  Thanks for mentioning the lack of compatibility with the Mac M1 and M2 chips.  That's critical ... and suprising considering that the M1 was released in 2021.  I'm using a Mac with an M1 chip, so the OSBOT is going to have to be a pass ... at least for now.


Yo thank you this video helped alot for which when is better


You smashed that presentation Sun!


Nice reveiw! I think that the visual quality of the obsbotTiny 2 appears slightly more natural compared to the Link.


for that price, just buy a good mirroless camera and connect to pc...like the m50


Damn These webcams are Out Of This World!! Technology are advancing crazy its blowing my mind!

Keep this Up Midnightman, Your video Quality are always the best ❀πŸ”₯πŸ”₯


Great follow up review!! Good job. One noteworthy additional difference: it seems that the tripod insert on the Obsbot is made of plastic vs the metal one on the Insta360. For me the slightly better picture of the Insta360 in daylight takes the cake. Also thanks to having now real competition the Insta seems to be more often on sale.


I like the wider fov of obsbot, Link is also good product 😏😏 but I think I will go for obsbot


Can you please make a comparison with the new models of those brands?


If I  didnt look like a foot I'd  get this camera πŸ˜‚.. good video πŸ‘ŒπŸΎ


This is useful thanks MidnightMan great thumbnail and keep up the great work you should use one of the face-cams on a next stream and ask people what face cam they think you are using that would be funny.

Keep it up!❀️ eddy out!


I’m an insta guy all day. Also, I have a question, can you blur your background with the Insta 360 web cam


What’s up midnightman!!


Hmm, When it's dark, the TINY 2 is better at making your face look clear on camera compared to the Insta360 Link. So, if you're someone who streams or records videos in low-light settings, this could be a big plus


Any plans to make that Rode streamer X video? I only trust you to do a good review. I also heard it fixes a lot of problems for ps5 to MacBook streaming


just got my link and it's good but. it hits... and having some issues connecting with zoom do you know any solutions for this


I can now buy one of these web cams for my pc because i had a  webcam for online school and it glitch out, it also  hacked my pc so i think the insta 360 webcam will do, (THANKS MIDNIGHTMAN )


hmm generally both of them are good but obsbot's low light performance is much better