
I love her simplicity and humility. That voice, its just something, a sure gem!


I am a Japanese, but I feel a furious message for her singing voice and lyrics.
I sincerely wish that the day when people 's good faith can dominate the world.


I was a 80s kid and literally listened to Tracy's album on cassette til it broke. No joke! Love it still!


54 yrs old, still an excellent album


The soul of Britain is singing this at the moment. 
Because finally, the tables are startin" to turn! 🇬🇧 
Thank you, Tracy ❤️


Grammys brought me here! Im loving this Tracy Chapman Revival! 2/2/2023


This whole album was pure GOLD, what a voice, what a sound, what an artist ❤️


After the grammys, here to listen to the whole album. Timeless music.  Sadly very little has changed for the betterment of all.  Lord have mercy on us


better run run run run run...Thank u lady Tracy!!!


80' metal kid.... Mom handed me this cassette and said give it a chance.... I'm 48 now and Tracy still gets me to sit down shut up and hear 🤘 Thank you Tracy 😎


Her voice is so unique it vibrates your body it goes right through you.


Always been my favourite from her. Thank you Tracy!


Still just as poignant and relevant to the times as it was 25 years ago. Her music has always been simple and beautiful while deeply complex. She is truly one of the most glorious women singers on my generation!


Don't you  know, Miss Chapman. You are amazing.


Bless this amazing lady! Such a voice, both vocally and spiritually. She gets it.


2.30 minutes of sheer class. Phenomenal album.


Easily one of the best artist of all time, pure and raw talent ❤️


One of the best vocalists EVER


I’m talking bout a revolution 2024 🙌🙌🙌


My mom used to play this album all the time. Her music speaks to the soul. Thank you so much for posting