
Use code 'JP15' for 15% off at: https://www.skratchlabs.com


What a delightful woman and informative conversation!


Highly informative. Thank you Jeff!!


Wow, I had to dive very deep in the video list but it totally paid off. Thanks for this!


This was an awesome talk!  I definitely learned a lot and have a lot to consider! Thank you!


Super interesting stuff! Good questions and well explained, understandable answers👌🏻


This was an amazing chat and definitely helped me out. Ended up DNFing on my 120k race (first ultra) at the 80k mark and was definitely having gut issues (not the main reason for the DNF however). This is giving me a heap to think about heading into my next ultra and general training/day to day activities. Cheers for the great video as always Jeff!


Just ordered some Skratch products to trial ahead of a couple of 100ks later in the year. Great timing! Thanks to you both for sharing.


What a great conversation Jeff. Really appreciate you guys pulling that together. We'll done ✔️


This was a fascinating discussion. Thank you Jeff!


Wow. That was excellent. You had my attention from start to finish. Like you said....so much to unpack. I'll be watching it again and already have a few ideas for my own personal testing.


So much great information in this discussion. As a low ferritin runner about to do my first mountain race :) It really spoke to me haha


Excellent conversation. I learned so much!!


Great post.  I was looking forward to this.  I was in a 50 mile race a few weeks back and ran into pretty bad gut issues (first time) so am looking for a better way to get calories.   I was seconds away from ordering Tailwind but after hear this I did a bit of research on Skratch and just placed the order.  400 calories per serving sounds perfect!   I just need calories when I'm out there.  Calories calories and more calories.  I'm going to give the Raspberry a try:)


For a small, first test, I mixed up some Skratch Superfuel with some powered milk, and think it might be a winning combo for when I want protein and fat, too.  It was just a small test, and required an extraordinary amount of mixing, but it wasn't bad.  I'm envisioning a morning drink for this.


Regarding sodium amounts in sweat, I have completely confirmed, that salt content in my sweat simply depends on how much I consume. Since I'm almost only eating stuff I cook myself, I exactly know how much added sodium I'm having. I'm perfectly fine with zero added sodium (but eating basically only fresh whole foods, so I'm getting  a reasonable amount of sodium from that. As soon as I add any extra sodium to my food, my sweat tastes salty, whereas I don't notice any salt taste when I have zero added salt, and I was fine for a 90km mountain ultra that way.
I'm baffled, when sodium content in sweat is considered a fixed number for each person.

To be clear, what I'm saying is in the context of eating plenty of real food (starchy foods and fruits), and relatively little refined things like pure sugar.
If you would mostly or exclusively use gels, you of course definitely need to get electrolytes right.


How do you figure out your caloric and electrolyte needs?
A friend recently said “when you feel good, you’ve probably got it right”