In other words: our future generations are screwed.
Better question: Why is EVERYTHING so expensive
Don’t forget overall corporate greed. COVID set the precedence for higher prices, they’ll never go down to a reasonable level.
Some guys got arrested for trying to steal 500 eggs from a bakery a couple days ago 😂🤣
Here in San Diego, California, people are getting busted at the U.S.-Mexico border trying to smuggle in eggs from Tijuana.
CEO for the egg company- "our prices have gone up because of *insert fake reason*" CEO lacky- "But sir, what about your pay raise and record breaking profits?!" CEO- "We don't talk about our record breaking profits! Gosh dam it!"
Simple answer, gouging, media attention and gullibility
$4.49 for local eggs sold in the store in WI. $5.69-$6.99 for national brands sold in stores. $6 for farm raised chicken eggs local-but that has been their price since 2021, except on weekends, when the people come up from Chicago on their way and back to cabins and cottages. Then the eggs are $7-$9 a dozen, because Chicago people with recreational homes have money to throw around. Duck eggs by farmers are $7-$8 a dozen, but are bigger and better IMO. One duck eggs makes an omelet for me, and deviled duck eggs are superb!
Here's the TRUTH: Eggland's Best and Land O Lakes eggs are still the same price ($3.69 to 3.99/dozen) as they were 2 years ago because they are Farmer Cooperatives! Super markets get they're store brand eggs from CORPORATE GIANTS WHO PRICE GOUGE! So, while store brands here in New England are $6.99/ dozen & up, Eggland's Best and Land O Lakes are STILL ONLY $3.69 to $3.99/dozen. The blame for high egg prices, as well as Bird Flu, lie squarely on the shoulders of the greedy corporate giants!!!
Its bc all the chickens are serving in Congress.
All these reasons are just excuses for major corporations wanting to maintain their margins to continuously bring in millions/billions in revenue while us little guys take the hit.
There's NO shortage. I work in grocery and we get the same amount daily as we always have. It's flat out corporate greed.
Its still cheaper to buy eggs than it is to eat out for breakfast. My family and I make breakfast sandwiches for about $2 each equivalent. That's with 3 eggs per sandwich.
easy , because companies dont want to lower their profits to help citizens they always need to increase profits , even in harsh times for citizens zero empathy for citizens because if they made 50 mill profit last year , they need 60 this year , they cant go back to 50 or even 40 mill profit no no no thats asking too much from these poor poor companies
in my country it's About 3-4 USD a dozen. it's sound cheap but not really when your annual income is less than 4,000 USD Edit : Actually My Country Annual Yearly Income for typical Working Class folks is Around 1,800-4000 USD. Realisticly around 2,000-2,500 USD. And price for Egg is around 1,5-2 USD a dozen.
since bird flu is causing this why is chicken normal price but eggs are expensive.
I haven’t purchased eggs since January. All the grocery stores in my area have been completely out of stock, at least every time I’ve gone to the store.
I developed an intolerance to egg yolks during the pandemic (just kinda came out of nowhere) so have been spared the brunt of the issue but man Egg whites are so expensive
Good luck even finding them in the area I live. $10 price tags on empty shelves.