Amazing video, A friend of mine referred me to a financial adviser sometime ago and we got talking about investment and money. I started investing with $120k and in the first 2 months , my portfolio was reading $274,800. Crazy right!, I decided to reinvest my profit and gets more interesting. For over a year we have been working together making consistent profit just bought my second home 2 weeks ago and care for my family.
Powell should have raised interest rates in 2018....He was 4 years late.. That's why we have massive inflation.
This doom and gloom has been "preached" for the past 14 years and they have all been wrong!
Risk free rate (short term treasuries) are above 5% and the yield on SP500 is about 1.6% so something has to give becasue thats a huge divergence. Either earnings are going to explode higher, unlikely, or market is going to drop significantly along with yields. If yields drop instead this will also indicate a troubled economy meaning stocks are already falling
Now we just need to see the TOZ44H price also move in the same direction as these charts. Up. Very Up.
The Isaac Newton example is really highlighting the difference between natural science and social science. It wasn't a lack of intellect on Newton's part but that in social science cause & effect are only sometimes correlated positively. Sometimes they're correlated negatively. And sometimes not correlated at all. But since we apply so much math to investment analysis, we often confuse it with the analysis used in the natural sciences. We always expect 2+2 to equal 4 but with economics 2+2 can equal 5, 6 or much more in the case a bubble. And it can go just as negative when a bubble bursts. That's why your best investors are not scientists or mathematicians but rather good poker players or games-men.
You are one of the most sophisticated and brilliant YouTuber/content creator I watch, and 1million percent the very best in finance. I appreciate all of your content thank you for TOZ44H much love from Chicago
Always prepare for the worst when it comes to your hard earned wealth.
P/E ratio is a good tool to use for valuing a company but can often be misleading. It's important to remember that stocks trade on what they will be worth in the future rather than what they would be sold for today at book value in most industries. For example Tesla over the past 10 years and Nvidia more recently had nose bleed P/E ratios in the 1,000s but as their earnings inevitably came up, their P/E ratios came down to more reasonable-ish levels. You could have shorted Tesla from 2010 to to now because back then its P/E ratio was sky high and you would have lost 21,148.7%. While many countries in the world trade at lower P/Es than the U.S, they exist in economies with crippling inflation and very low growth if any. Also I don't believe any financial numbers that come out of Communist China, they've never been transparent.
From no ressesion to depression
Cant deny the fact that Amazons TOZ44H is the strongest bet to bring power back to this industry after we suffered FTX, Celsius, Tera and so on. Sure if they fail its done for good, but I dont see that the biggest tech company in the world would put ev
This guy is amazing, he has predicted 14 of the last 3 recessions.
As we witness the current economic landscape, it's becoming increasingly clear that we're entering a recession. These times can pose significant financial challenges.
What is fascinating is the effect rising costs has on the debt of our country. 1 trillion in debt accumulated in one quarter, which took 17 years to accumulate in the 60s. Whats fascination is rising costs, growth, rising CPI is good for some, if you’re a company that’s been around for 100 years, JP Morgan, with 100s of billions in profit a year, you’d actually prefer the stakes raised across the board. If prices go up and you have wealth, it means people are more likely to need a loan. It also means smaller mom and pop shops who don’t play ball with the banks and more likely to go under do to not being able to afford rising employment costs. Rising employment costs are based off years of rising CPI. If costs become too high, it’s a guarantee for the banks that anyone with a good idea worth while, will have to come to them. By raising the bar they are ensuring they will have more likelihood of being involved in new business. Like shark tank, if you have capital and they don’t, but they have a good idea, you can then cut yourself into that idea. The other reason why banks and some institutions in America like the rising cost of things, is the evidence of the housing crash and the quantitative easing that was done. Banks saw incentive to be risky. They also saw more money come into circulation. Which was good for their deposits. The problem is 80% of newly generated money ends up with the top %. So again, there is incentive to gouge and put pressure on people because then the feds step in. And they will print more money, like stocking a fish pond, they know in time that money will be theirs. If growth is stagnant because the lack of money in circulation, they can pressure the feds into printing more, that will inevitably end up with them. The problem is with the rising cost of everything, americas debt is now insane. And that’s a bill for tomorrow, a bill our grandparents left us and one we will leave to our kids. We are on tract to spend more a year on our debt than on our military budget. So from my point of view I see banks, VC, PE and Wall Street as entities that suck the economy dry, in hopes of causing a print, so they can do it all over again. The government has become a money printing machine for banks and businesses, consumers are just the middleman.
If inflation is officially quoted at 3% you can double it and then add some more. Canadian statistics are notoriously incorrect
one of the things i like about your videos, is the combination of visual and verbal information. Thank you, appreciated.
From an economic standpoint what is coming is too easy to see. America's economic recklessness and greed has finally caught up with us. That's why, In essence, this genius suggested people dump the dollar like everybody else is doing.
“ Throughout his 50 year career, Grantham has been calling for a massive recession…pretty much EVERY year, and once about every 15 years…he’s right!”
EVERY… SINGLE… YEAR… since 2011 or so there are predictions of a recession. If I hear the word “recession” one more time I’m going to scream so loud that folks in Beijing will hear me. EVERY… SINGLE… YEAR… it’s the same ‘ol crap! Enough already!