
If you want a weekly travel tip and an update from where I am, feel free to follow my newsletter: https://bit.ly/TheTuesdayTravelTip


If u r an American, be sure to sign up for the state department’s S.T.E.P. program, so that u can receive timely alerts from the local U.S. consulates about any local situations.


Love the tips on hotel restrooms, national holidays, reddit, and bed bugs.  As soon as I know I'm traveling somewhere, I like to add that country or city to my newsfeed.


If looking for a hotel or hostel, I specifically check the lowest review scores for bed bugs.
I know someone who visited Amsterdam in March, on the 'King' s day', and it was his last visit. Always check for holidays.
Thank you for the tips!


Well done, as an old (very old 😂) traveller I heartily agree with your advices in this video and offer my thanks for posting…..I see too many folk making unforced errors while travelling, you are doing good work. 👍


Loved the video, very informative and practical tips.


Awesome &. Useful info! For "where to eat", be weary of concierge who may/may not take kick-backs from new/trendy/overpriced/ insipid establishments. Instead, ask a local store clerk/cashier/vender and ask Them where they would eat on their day off...


Awesome tips!  Definitely will be using them in my upcoming travels.


Thank you for this!!!!


All of your tips are very good. I'm very impressed, sir.


A sometime problem with renting off site is all the undisclosed extra charges now leaves you in pickle with the airport 2 km away, you are now a captive customer.


Really helpful tips! Sorry you got bed bugs UGH that sucks!!!! Hopefully only once LOL so really out of all the travel you do that's not too bad ;)


Great video! Informative and concise. Apparently that cross your fingers thing is a rude gesture in Vietnam. Who knew?


Just remembered, for my upcoming trip I opened google maps on PC monitor and went to check manually for places of interest, restaurants/cafes, etc. around the area Im staying in.


Great tips!

Thanks for sharing!


Just signed up. Love your videos.


Apple Pay doesn’t work in many locations, I recommend carrying at least one card that is widely accepted and a small amount of cash.


how often did you find bed bugs on your travels in terms of percentage of all your bookings? is it worse in some contries than others? thanks!


Every credit card I have had in the last 10 years has tap to pay...I would rather have someone steal my credit card than my phone.


Ive been bidden by bedbugs. They are everywhere. But dont bring them home. Dont put luggage, on a bed floor, in bathroom. Ive seen bedbug's in bathrooms behind faucet. Retired fa was crew 4 days a week, for yrs. Just be careful.u dont like u room,get another