
the hair looks sick man


"Didn't think anybody died on a Friday." On Funny Papers. September 7th 2018 was a Friday. wtf bro


Brad sounds like he's doing much better, really great to see


looking great, brad


one of my fondest memories as i look back on my life was with my older sister around the beginning of quarantine where she was helping me dye my hair in her room & she had mac miller’s swimming album playing on her tv.  i always associate his music with her now. she dealt with substance abuse issues and passed away in an accident, and that really made me realize how your life can change in an instant. she didn’t live to see my 18th birthday. i drive past her site on the way home from work. this album feels really deeply personal & helped me process some of the emotions i’ve suppressed about it & also in the ways i’ve been dealing with it, sometimes i feel like i’m in her headspace. i think i need to give this album another listen and let myself feel everything i’ve tried to escape from for years. she really believed in me and there’s so much i wish i could tell her and ask her now, but all i want is to break that cycle of numbing the pain & live a life i’ll be proud to tell her about when i join her one day. thanks for this video


Gotta say. Mac's estate is, when it comes to any sort of posthumous releases, a shining example of how things should be handled. There's so many cases of the label or whoever just throwing out material from the vault that should have stayed there, stuff that the artist would almost certainly never have released in that state - especially to be put on a core, full length studio album and not a compilation or whatever. It just feels like the artist's name and legacy being milked for all it's worth whilst trashing that legacy and the discography they built it with, by throwing out obvious garbage.

But for Mac? We got Circles, an album they added some finishing touches to, which proved to be possibly his most beloved album and one of the best send-off albums any rapper has ever 'put out'; a fitting ending especially given its relationship to Swimming. We got an 'official' release of Faces, one of Mac's best and most important projects. And now we have Balloonerism, an album unofficially floating around for years and pretty well loved, finally given a proper release to high acclaim. It really does feel like the goal here is just to shore up Mac's legacy by showing off yet more of his incredible creativity, and generally just give some corners of his discography a bit of a polish and some more love. They're doing things with his work that feel respectful, caring and well... necessary. It's beautiful to see.

Rest in peace, Mac.


This whole album just felt like a fantasy cautionary tale and it really has so much pure emotion, definitely one of the most life changing albums ive ever heard


yo the background is actually better personally, i like the actual background more than the greenscreen like the old times


I discovered Mac Miller's music only recently, but I'd known about his passing for a while. Circles was devastating to listen to, Balloonerism is another album that does Mac justice. After seeing so many passed artist's labels become cash grabs, it's amazing to see how well his estate and family have treated him.


Last time I listened to this album I was late for work cause I was stuck in the shower sobbing to it.  It’s such a beautiful yet also extremely difficult listen at points


Bro you look like you went through a metamorphosis since I last saw a video from you, you look healthier, good to see brother


Rick's piano is genuinely unbelievable, that's definitely my favourite track


This was such a good album fr


Absolutely loved this reaction, man. Keep going


You look great. Always glad to catch a new upload from you. This album definitely moved me and it feels haunted. Mac's heart and soul went all out on this one and I can feel his presence greatly. Definitely one of the most important figures in modern music


It was great to be here for this!!


The edits are so simplistic and random yet they fit so well


Brad! I’ve been watching your videos for a long time. I personally like you better than 99% of other music critics on YouTube. You know what’s good. Love ya man


I see brad's getting ready for the quadeca lookalike contest


hope you’re doing better brad, praying for u 🙏