Intel taking an Arrow in the knee lake
0:10 "I think we've nailed it" That isn't a reassuring tone lmao
userbenchmark is definitely cooking some fiction right now
I just changed my PC from Intel 10th series to Ryzen. It's the best decision i've ever made in 2024.
Intel and Boeing should merge and then shutdown.
Intel is 2 gens behind AMD preformance wise and 3 gens behind efficeincy wise, but the pricing is world leader. :face-purple-crying:
1:12 what an engineering disaster 😂, intel is done with ultra chips 😂
AMD made a comeback from Intel beating it before, and now they even crushed Intel completely! GGs
Intel fans in full damage control commenting "who even plays at 1080p" on every 9800x3D review.
Userbenchmark (while crying 😢 ) : "Intel still better"
At this point. I think AMD can solve global warming 😬
At this point, only userbenchmark can save Intel.
Amd fucking rocks. Im grabbing that cpu
Now we need AMD to step up and dominated GPU space
Rare 1 minute ago moment
Yes 9800X3D is impressive, but man look at 5800X3D
Userbenchmarks will find a "Ultra" hard time with this one. 🤓
The videos from gamer nexus was so funny lmaoo
"I think we've nailed it" 0:10 Yeah, he is right, like they nailed one more nail in the coffin.